11 - The capital

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The time passed quickly in the capital.

It took you some getting used to at first but you found your way. Arya had taken up lessons in sword fighting, Sansa was mostly occupied with prince Joffrey and her future marriage.

Joffrey wasn't a nice boy at all, Sansa was way too good for him. Ned had been the hand of the king and was always busy with something.

You became in charge of the kings personal protection, not the kings guard but even closer to him. You were there by his side at important meetings, when he had business in the throne room and when he went on hunts.

From time to time you even delivered some secret letters for him or to him and made it so that nobody saw you when they weren't supposed to.

You made sure he stayed safe and nothing could happen to him. Even if that meant catching an arrow with your bare hands again.

You found out that you didn't like the Lannister's, queen Cersei was bitter and cold. Her brother, Jaimie Lannister, who was lord commander of the kingsguard.

You had to speak with him quite often about matters of security, meetings and other business related to the king. He didn't strike you as a nice man.

He was good looking and he knew it, he was also one of the better swordsmen you had seen so far. He had a touch of arrogance to him.

Apart from your duties to the king you trained new soldiers for the kingsquard and the royal army.

You found out you were rather good at training these young men and the king put you in command of the training of all the new soldiers.

You had to pick out the ones that showed talent and train them to be the future kingsguard.

And occasionally when one of them showed other skills such as hunting or hiding in the shadows like you did so often, you had to pick them out of the group in secret.

And train them to be in the kings personal guard just like you, under your command.

A year flew by as you were guarding, planning and training. You liked life in the capital more than you had expected, but you missed home everyday.

You wondered how Benjen would be doing, if maester Aemon was still reading his old books and how the weather North would be.

You wondered if Jon liked serving in the watch and what position he would have been assigned to. You figured he would be a steward, maybe a ranger. If he trained hard enough.

It was a warm day and the sun was burning on your skin. You were sitting in one of the courtyards, carving patterns in your bow. Your sword was glistening in the sunlight.

When you got here the king had given you your first, full sized sword. It was beautiful, it's grip was made of gold and the pommel was made into the head of a raven. The king had it made for you to remind you of where you came from.

Your bond with the king and the Starks had grown into a strong one. Even Sansa opened up to you a couple weeks after you left Winterfell.

You had become quite close with her and she came to you for advice very often.

You were sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard enjoying the sun on your cheeks when one of the kings guard soldiers came out into the courtyard.

He stood still in front of you and you looked up at him slowly. "What is it this time?", you put your carving on a hold.

"The king requests your presence in the throne room straight away", he had a boring voice. You stood up and put your bow back over your shoulders where it belonged.

"Let's not keep him waiting then" you started walking towards the throne room, the kings guard followed you.

You arrived in the throne room and found Robert sitting on the throne ofcourse, Ned standing beside him and Cersei standing on the other side. You stood next to Ned.

"What's going on?", you whispered to Ned. "Visitors" he whispered back. "Visitors?", you were surprised, "Nobody let me know there would be visitors today".

Ned shrugged, "That's not too big of a problem". You nodded, he was right. You didn't have any plans for today anyway.

"And who are our guests?", you asked looking over at Ned. But before he could answer someone started announcing the visitors.

"Your majesty, lords and ladies of the court", he was yelling in the most boring way you had ever heard. "The lord commander of the nights watch and his brothers from the wall".

Your body froze.

The nights watch, practically your family. Lord commander Mormont and Benjen who you hadn't seen in over a year now. And Jon, you hoped Jon would be there.

Your body filled itself with joy and you stood besides the king staring at the doors.

The large heavy doors swung open and you waited for commander Mormont to step through. But the person who stepped through the doors wasn't commander Mormont. It was Jon.

He walked in first, wearing a massive black fur cloak and an all black uniform. He had grown a small beard and had a scar over his left eye, he didn't have before. He was carrying a large sword and had a serious look on his face.

He looked even more handsome than you remembered him.

Behind him followed more men, you were waiting for commander Mormont and Benjen. They weren't there.

"Lord commander!" the king started. But Mormont still wasn't in the room. Jon and everyone around him took a bow.

"I am so grateful you agreed to come", the king smiled at the party of men. "It is our honor sir", Jon talked back.

You didn't know what was happening, was Jon lord commander of the nights watch? He couldn't be.

"We shall have rooms prepared for you and your men, you must be weary after such a long journey". Ned began talking to Jon.

"And hungry!" the king laughed at himself. "We are having a feast tonight! Prepare for that instead", he winked at Ned and laughed.

"Thank you your majesty, we are honored to be here", Jon looked up at the king and then straight at you. He smiled. You didn't know what to do, you were so confused.

"Right enough with the formalities, let's begin preparations for the feast" the king started talking to Ned and the men of the nights watch started leaving the room.

Jon shot a last look at you and then walked out with the rest of them.

As soon as the doors shut closed again you turned to the king. "Excuse me your majesty but I am afraid I don't understand what is going on" you smiled nervously.

"Ah!", Robert clapped his hands loudly. "That's right I forgot to ask". You laughed weakly.

"Alena I have invited the nights watch here because of my newly invented training program, the one that we have been talking about every now and then".

He was talking about you recruiting the talented soldiers for the kings personal guard. The ones you were going to be training. The guard you were leading.

"I want you to go North with these men and recruit some new young talent from the Wall, that's where we got you after all". He laughed and bumped you with his hand.

"But of course your majesty, when will we be leaving?". When you were given a chance to go back home to the North you weren't going to think twice.

"Tomorrow, but first we will feast". Robert smiled at you. You made a small bow and made your way out of the throne room.

You had to find Jon.

AUTHORS NOTE: Chapter number 12!
I hope you liked it. I skipped over some time in this one, also I know the timeline isn't in line with the original one but I hope you don't mind. This is just my creative storyline and some things are going to be different from the books/ series :) As always let me know if you have any suggestions, ideas or anything like that. I would love to hear them. xx

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