15 - Winterfell

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In the dream you saw your younger self, you were at the wall again.

You were standing in the courtyard facing the gates, Jason was about to leave though them with the soldiers.

You felt the way you felt that day, overwhelmed by sadness. You looked up at the balconies and you saw maester Aemon keeping a close eye on you.

Jason came and hugged you goodbye, you were crying. He tried to hold back his tears.

He squeezed you tight and whispered in your ear, "One day you'll walk through those gates and you'll understand".

You didn't know what he meant.

He was grabbed by one of the soldiers, almost forcefully. He walked with them hesitantly and they left.

Normally that's were the memory stopped, this time you noticed something different.

When Jason went though the gates he reached his hand out to one of the walls.

His hand brushed along the wall by the left door, he looked back at you and mouthed something.

You couldn't tell what.

You woke up suddenly and shot straight up in bed. Your heart was pounding, what did he mean? You had never paid attention to what he whispered to you that day.

You heard Jon mumble, "Darling are you alright?". "Yeah I'm fine, go back to sleep", you were still sitting but you put your hand on his shoulder.

What was that dream trying to tell you?

The next morning you woke up before sunrise and before Jon, you gave him a kiss on the head and got dressed.

You walked out of his tent, it was still dark outside so the chance someone would see you was small. You walked back to your tent and grabbed your bow and quiver filled with arrows.

The camp was set up near a forest so you went in to hunt for breakfast. As you were walking back with the prey in your hands you saw everyone in the camp had gotten up.

They were getting everything ready to leave, you would arrive at Winterfell tonight.

You were looking at Jon giving out commands when you tripped over a fallen log, you tried to catch yourself but you fell on the ground.

You quickly grabbed the rabbits from the floor and stood up again. 'Lucky no one saw that'. You walked to the camp.

Once everyone was ready to leave you got on your horses and rode off. On your way to Winterfell.

You rode the whole day and when the sun had already gone down, you arrived at Winterfell.

You rode though the gates alongside Jon. Waiting in the courtyard were lady Stark, Rickon, Bran and Robb.

You could see Robb's face lighting up when he saw you and Jon riding through the gates.

After greeting everyone you were shown to your chambers. You got dressed for dinner and went downstairs to the dining hall.

You were on your way there when you turned a corner and saw Robb standing there.

"Look who's returned at last!", he started laughing and walking towards you.

You walked towards him and as soon as he reached you he wrapped his arms around you in a big hug.

"It's good to see you again Robb", you stepped back and looked at him smiling.

"I can say the same here huntress, it's great to see you". You walked over to the dining hall together, talking all the way there.

You talked about how your life in the capital had been and what Robb had been up to.

Unbroken / Game Of Thrones / Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now