14 - The past comes creeping

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You had been riding for a few minutes and you felt your anger getting less intense.

You brought Narah to a halt and looked at the sunrise again, you were out of breath. Not from running or anything but because of how angry you had been. It exhausted you.

You turned around and started riding back towards the camp, hoping that they hadn't left yet.

When you came riding back into what had been the campsite you saw everyone on their horses ready to leave.

Jon came riding up to you. "Gods where have you been?". He looked concerned.

"I'm sorry I..", you got interrupted. "The archer told us he saw you riding out further so we thought there might be something going on".

Jason didn't tell them what happened.

You thought quickly, "I thought I saw something up ahead so I went to see, it wasn't anything so I came back I'm sorry".

Jon nodded, "Alright well better safe than sorry". He smiled at you and you smiled back as convincingly as you could.

Jon called the rest of the group and you all started the ride for the day. You were absolutely wrecked, you just hoped you could make it the entire day.

That day the ride was tough, besides the fact that you were exhausted, Jon kept asking what was bothering you. You didn't tell him, not when riding with all the others behind you.

You were rethinking what had happened, how could you have gotten so blinded by your anger? Why didn't Jason tell the others what happened and what was that glow on your locket? Was it even real?

Your mind was racing up until the very moment you set up camp for the night again, this time a little earlier because it was staring to snow lightly.

When everything was set up for the night you went into your tent and sat on your bed. You took your locket from your neck and looked closely at it.

This was the first time you had taken your necklace off since maester Aemon gave it to you, it felt strange.

You realized you were going to see him again soon so you would just ask him about the strange glow when you arrived.

You put the necklace back on and let yourself fall onto the bed.

"We didn't ride that long come on", Jason's voice sounded from the front of your tent. You shot up straight and looked at him. He was standing in the opening.

"Jason get out", you didn't feel like fighting or getting angry with him again.

"I'll let myself in then", he walked into the tent and you let out a sigh. You got up and stood in front of him. You pointed at the opening in the tent. "That way".

He raised an eyebrow. "Jason come on you can't just be in my tent". You started to get really annoyed with him.

He just kept looking at you, it was silent.

"I've missed you", he began. "Oh come on don't even start", you rolled your eyes and sat down on the bed again.

He sat down besides you, "I'm serious Al". You looked over at him, as you looked at him properly for the first time in seven years you caught yourself feeling all sorts of things.

He was right here in front of you, you had dreamed of this moment so many times. You had been in love with him for years, even when you didn't want to admit it to yourself. Until you met Jon.

"You don't get to say that anymore Jason". "Oh come on Al, I'm sorry", he put his hand on you knee.

You looked at him, little more than a year ago this would have been everything you wanted.

"I didn't get a single sign from you for seven years, you don't get to say you missed me, now get out of my tent". You stood up from the bed and pointed at the opening again.

"Listen Al", he started and got up as well. "I don't have an excuse for not reaching out except for the fact that I was scared you wouldn't like this new version of me, being in the capital for so long changes you and I didn't want to ruin what we had".

He was standing in front of you again. "How is completely abandoning me not ruining something?", you did want to know why he did what he did but it just made you sad.

"I know I messed up but I didn't know what to do, please Al", he grabbed your hands. "There were things I couldn't tell you then and I still can't tell you now, please believe me".

"You have no idea how much you've hurt me, how long it took me to accept my best friend had left me all alone". You pulled your hands back.

You could feel yourself starting to tear up. "Please get out, I don't want to talk".

Jason looked at you with sad eyes, "Alena..". You pointed at the door again. He nodded and he walked towards the opening of the tent. He turned around just before stepping out.

"There's nothing I regret more than leaving you behind that day". He left.

You took a deep breath in, the tears went away. Just in time. You wiped your eyes and laid down on your bed, how could he say that when he knew you were in the capital for a whole year?

You laid on your bed thinking until it was dark outside.

You did miss Jason and seeing him again after all this time was, well, something. You weren't sure how you felt about it.

You got up and walked outside, it was getting colder. You walked around the campsite for a little bit before stopping at Jon's tent. You walked in.

"There you are", Jon was looking at some maps to plan out tomorrows ride. He stopped what he was doing and walked over to you.

He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you in so your foreheads were touching. "Where have you been with your mind? I've been worried a bit".

You kissed him, "Don't worry I'm fine". He raised an eyebrow. You laughed, "I promise I'm alright". He smiled at you.

"Allright then", he suddenly lifted you up. "I've missed you today".

You laughed as he threw you onto his bed. "Are you sure? Someone might have seen me walk in here", you asked while he took his shirt off. "I'm sure".

You both laughed and he kissed you as he got onto the bed as well.

He could make you forget about anything and instantly make you feel better again.

You fell asleep cuddling in his arms. You completely forgot about Jason, the locket and your exhausting rage. You felt safe.

That night you dreamed about the day Jason left the wall all those years ago. It was exactly as you remembered, except for one thing.

AUTHORS NOTE: That was it for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you like the storyline with Jason so far! As always let me know what you think or if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear from you :) xx -E

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