27 - Get out

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The light now revealed Benjen's full face, it really was him.

Your heart was beating out of your chest, you couldn't believe it.

You quickly got off your horse. You didn't care what the rest of the group was doing anymore, you just wanted to make sure this was real.

Benjen got off his horse as well, he seemed to be struggling a little. The entire scene was poorly lit, you couldn't see much.

You walked up to Benjen and as soon as you were close enough you threw yourself into his arms. They held you in a tight, warm embrace.

You found him. And he was allright.

'Where have you been? We have been looking for you for days now.' You pulled away from the hug and looked into the eyes of the man that raised you.

'I got a little.. carried away.' He gave you a soft smile and cupped your cheek with his hand.

His eyes shifted to the darkness behind you, Jon came walking out of it into the light.

He immediately went in for a hug too. 'Lord commander, how kind of you to come fetch me yourself.' Benjen laughed.

'You would've done the same i'm sure.' Jon nodded and gave Benjen a slight smack on his back. Benjen's expression changed.

Suddenly you were overwhelmed by the feeling that something was wrong, you couldn't tell what. Everything seemed to be just fine.

Jason and Glenn came walking up from behind you and Jon as well to greet Benjen.

Your ears started ringing, something was wrong. Very wrong.

Suddenly you felt a hand on your back, it was Jon. Looking very concerned.

'Al are you allright?' You heard his muffled voice.

All you did was very slowly shake your head.

You walked up to Benjen and got close to his ear so the others wouldn't hear you.

'Tell me what's going on.' As you pulled away Benjen's entire expression changed. Suddenly the colour left his face.


You had never seen him like this before. He was at a loss, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

'Show me.' Somehow you just knew, Benjen wouldn't stay behind the wall any longer than was necessary for a mission. And he certainly wouldn't get "carried away".

'Not here, not now.' His eyes were filled with concern, this wasn't like him.

'I've got a feeling there's no time to stall, please tell me i'm wrong.'

It stayed quiet. He couldn't.

You turned your head towards Jon and the others. 'Please give us a moment.'

They stepped away.

You grabbed Benjen's hand. 'Show me.'

He let out a deep sigh and raised his eyebrows. Then he looked down and pulled his hand back.

Slowly he reached for his sleeve and slightly pulled it up. Underneath was a deep slash in his lower arm. It looked infected.

You looked at his arm and then back up at his eyes. 'What happened?'

'I ran into some wildlings, they captured me.'

'That's why it took you so long.'

'They held me captive, I don't know how long but I managed to get away.'

'That's why you walk different, you're hurt.'

He grabbed your shoulders.

'We don't have much time, they'll be following me.'

Your senses ensnared. You closed your eyes as you focused on the nightly silence.

Snow creaking.

You opened your eyes and looked at Benjen.

'They already found you.'

AUTHORS NOTE: Hope you liked this one! I promise some action in the next chapter. Sorry for not updating, I've been really busy. I'll try to get another chapter done, promise! :) As always, feel free to hit me up anytime! xx - E

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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