24 - Into the snow

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You were getting all your hunting gear from your previous missions ready when the door to your chambers opened. Jon stepped inside.

Before you could say anything he wrapped his arms around you in a warm hug and kissed you on the top of your head. "I'm so sorry love, we're going to find him don't worry".

You looked up at him in awe, he was so sweet. You kissed him. "I know, I have no doubt".

You knew that wasn't true, you were trying to hide it and stay calm but you were extremely scared. Not of going beyond the wall this deep into the winter but because you didn't know what you could expect.

"So the archer's coming then", Jon started. You patted him on the shoulder. "You asked for volunteers and he did". You took a step back and started grabbing stuff again.

"I know and I blame only myself". He put his hand on his chest.

"How dramatic Jon".

He made a small bow and you both laughed.

"Right, I am going to get ready. I'll see you down in the courtyard at noon". He gave you a kiss goodbye and walked out of your chambers.

You finished collecting all of your things you usually took beyond the wall, you put on your biggest cloak and signed for Atreus to hop on your shoulder.

You grabbed your bow and quiver, put your sword on your hip and strapped all your daggers to yourself. You stood in front of the mirror in your chambers, there she was again. You smiled at the sight of you in your full ranger attire, you usually liked going beyond the wall. This time it felt different.

You made sure you had everything and went down into the courtyard, Narah had already been taken out of the stables for you and was waiting next to Jason, Glen and Jon's horses. Atreus flew to a nearby branch, he never stayed on your shoulder when you were riding.

Jon came walking down the stairs and smiled, he was headed towards you. He looked around to see if anyone was outside. There wasn't. You laughed.

He quickly grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck. It felt exiting, risking to be seen by someone. But it also felt right, kissing him outside of four walls.

He pulled back but kept his hands around your waist. He put his forehead against yours. "I couldn't resist". He had a big smile across his face.

You felt the same way, "I don't have an issue with that".

Suddenly you heard footsteps coming up from behind you. Jon quickly reached for one of your daggers on your hip, you didn't know what he was trying to do.

He fiddled with one of the buckles and looked up at you again. "It seems tight enough to me, no need to replace it before leaving". As he was doing whatever coverup he was trying to do Jason and Glen came up beside you.

"Uhhh- thank you lord commander". You couldn't help but smile. Jon stood up and faced the others, with a serious face of course. "Is everyone ready to leave?".

Jason put his elbow on your shoulder and leaned on you. "All ready lord commander, you ready Al?", he looked at you with a playful grin. You looked up at him, he was a little bit taller. You hated it when he leaned on you, he had been doing that since you were young.

"Ready as I'll ever be", you raised your eyebrows at him. He returned it with a wink.

"Right- lets head out", Jon was looking at you and Jason with his eyebrows raised. This was going to be quite the mission.

Glen and Jon stepped to their horses, Jason didn't move. "What was that all about?", he looked at you with the same grin as before.

"I don't know what you're talking about". You looked him dead in the eye, you both stayed silent for a second. Then you both burst out laughing.

You patted each other on the shoulder and both got to your horses. Even though he had been gone for so many years it felt like you were never apart. It felt right again, you had your best friend back.

The four of you rode through the tunnel as the heavy gates to the other side of the wall opened. You and Jon rode next to each other with Jason and Glen behind you.

You looked over your shoulder as the gates opened to see Jason's expression. He had never been on this side of the wall before. You recognized his reaction, it was breathtaking.

You smiled and turned towards Jon, you gave him a nod and he returned it. You rode off into the snow.

AUTHORS NOTE: A bit of a shorter chapter! This is a filler, the next one will be beyond the wall! I hope you enjoyed this one :) As always, let me know if you have any suggestions! xx - E

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