9 - The miracle

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The next morning you woke up to soft chatter around you, you opened you eyes slowly and saw Ned speaking to the maester. You listened to what they were speaking about so softly.

"I have only read about it my lord, I cannot say for sure" the maester sounded stressed. "I am afraid only maester Aemon can help you on this matter" he made a small bow to Ned and walked out the door.

Ned turned around towards you and you closed your eyes again. He left the room and you opened your eyes. You sat up carefully and reached for your shoulder, the pain was almost completely gone. That stuff the maester gave you must have really helped.

You were sitting straight up looking at your hand when you heard the door open. Robb came walking in, he saw you sitting straight up and walked over to you. "Are you sure you should be up so quickly already?" he looked worried.

You smiled, "Don't you worry about me". He smiled back, "How is the pain?". "Very good actually, I can't really feel anything anymore".

Robb looked surprised, "That's odd, a shot like that should definitely hurt the day after". He sat beside you again.

"How long do you reckon it'll take you to ride again?" he asked, "You're staying at Winterfell until you're ready".

You looked at the bandage around your shoulder, it was covered in blood from yesterday.

"No clue", you said. "Can't really tell anything through this". Robb took your bandaged hand into his and looked at it.

"How's this then?". "The same" you said looking at him, he was still looking down at your hand. "Should I change the bandage?" he looked up at you and caught you staring at him.

"You know how to do that?" you laughed a bit. "I'm more than just muscle" he laughed back. He walked over to a small wooden table and grabbed a new bandage.

He sat down again and began removing the bandage around your hand. He looked up at you in shock, "How in seven hells...". You looked down at your hand, the deep large cut on your hand had almost completely closed. It was nothing more than a shallow cut now.

"Alena how" he looked at you more serious now. "That's not possible, that arrow cut through your hand like a sword". You looked him in the eyes, "I don't know".

He raised an eyebrow, "I swear". You defended yourself. "I'm just as surprised as you are". "I'll ask the maester what he put on there", Robb smiled at you and started wrapping your hand in a new bandage.

Just as he was done the door swung open again. Through the door came the maester, Ned and the king. "Didn't expect there to be company" the king joked, teasing Ned.

They both laughed, you sat there a bit awkwardly. Robb only just let your hand go. 'Oh for gods sake', you thought to yourself.

The king walked up to you and Robb stood aside, the king winked at him. Robb smiled. You rolled your eyes, it wasn't like that at all.

"How are you doing?" the king stood next to you and looked kindly at you. "I'm good actually, I just told Robb that I almost don't feel pain anymore". You decided to keep quiet about your cut.

The master walked up to you and grabbed your hand carefully, "Who replaced the bandages?". "Robb did" you said, the maester nodded. He turned to Robb, "Well done".

"So how are you feeling about riding?" the king asked. "Well.." you started, but you were interrupted by the maester. "She won't be able to travel for at least another day" he said, "At the very least that is".

You laughed, "I feel just fine your grace". The king nodded and smiled at you. "I will look at her wounds and treat her, I shall do my best but I cannot guarantee she will be fit for travel tomorrow", the maester looked at the king. "Wonderful! Another day of drinking northern ale won't hurt" the king laughed and walked out the room with Ned.

Robb and the maester stayed behind. The maester stated talking off the bandage around your shoulder. You looked at Robb, he smiled nervously.

The maester had the same reaction Robb had. "Well I don't know how but your wound seems like it's almost healed", he looked at you surprised. "I'm sorry to say this but I've never seen this happening before".

Robb said nothing about your hand, neither did you. The maester finished putting a new bandage around your shoulder, "That should be fine, I am taking it that you don't need anything for the pain?". You shook your head. "No I don't, thank you".

The maester walked to the door and just before he left the room he turned around. "I must go and see if I can find anything about this happening now, I will let you know", you nodded. "You're free to go and walk around the grounds, I wouldn't go hunting again just yet". He left the room leaving only you sitting on the table and Robb standing in the corner.

He had a surprised, confused look on his face. "You're extraordinary you know" he started, you scoffed. "I'm nothing like that" you tried to stand up from the table.

"You grew up the only female at castle black, you became the best huntress I've ever seen, you saved my life and now you got shot and walk around the next day". As Robb finished his sentence your feet touched the floor and you began walking towards him.

"Can't argue with that" you joked. Robb laughed. As you were walking towards him you felt that your legs were still a bit wobbly. Your legs couldn't hold you up anymore and you stumbled, you fell forwards. Robb caught you right in his arms.

You looked up at him, "Thank you". He smiled. You got out of his grip and started walking around the room again. You walked to a mirror and looked at your shoulder.

"Not a pretty sight is it" you said while looking at your wounds in the mirror. "Depends on who you ask" Robb smiled at your reflection. He reminded you of Jon, you missed him.

"You must be hungry" he said. You nodded at Robb, "Famished". "Let's go eat something shall we?" he said. He helped you walk through the halls  to the dining room. As you were eating you thought about Jon again.

Would he have joined the Night's Watch already? What would his position be? He definitely wouldn't be a ranger.

You wished he was here.

Tomorrow you were heading for Kings Landing, you weren't going to see him for a long while.

AUTHORS NOTE: That was chapter nine! Kings Landing is up next :) I hope you liked the time in Winterfell. It won't be the last we see of the Starks I promise ;) xx

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