18 - Never the same

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You walked into maester Aemons chambers, it was a candle lit room full of potions and bottles filled with god knows what. There was something standing on every shelf or surface.

He waved his hand at a table with two chairs. "Please, you should sit down".

You did what he asked and you sat down on one of the chairs, maester Aemon walked to a corner of the room. The chains around his neck rattled as he walked.

There was a large chest standing on the floor. It was hidden away in a dark corner of the already poorly lit room. There was a massive lock on it.

He grabbed a key from his chains and unlocked the big chest. Out of it came a smaller chest, he grabbed it and put it down on the table in front of you.

The maester lit some more candles before he sat down on the other side of the table.

"I think now is the time you are ready". He started. You decided to keep your questions to yourself a little longer and just listen.

"You weren't found abandoned on the doorsteps of castle black, you were brought here on purpose".

You felt your heart drop.

Maester Aemon opened the box, inside laid three large eggs. They had scales all over them.

"These were meant for your brother and sister as well, they didn't survive the journey here".

You had so many questions. "What do you mean my brother and sister? Who are they?".

Maester Aemon sighed softly. "Your name, is Alena Targaryen".

Your sight went blurry and your ears started ringing. You had to grasp on to the table to keep your balance.

"They called your brother Rhaegar the last dragon, I have reason to believe he wasn't the last one just yet".

Maester Aemon reached his hand out to your locket and pointed his finger at it. You had no idea how he did that without being able to see.

"I gave you that locket all those years ago for the same reason you were brought here as a baby, to contain what's inside of you".

"What do you mean inside of me?", you started to feel panic.

"I don't know exactly what it is, I have asked maesters all over Westeros. This is something we have never seen before." He sounded almost scared, which made you panic more.

"You hold some sort of power, the locket was created to contain and control it, to prevent it from bursting out."

Suddenly it hit you. "Who knows about this?", your voice turned serious.

"Only I know your name, some maesters know you exist but no further details. And your parents knew, the rest of your family didn't".

"Am I safe?", you looked straight at him even though you knew he couldn't see you.

"For now, I have watched you all your life. Whatever your powers are they're growing stronger, you were abled to revisit memories tonight." Maester Aemon slowly stood up from his chair.

You had forgotten all about Jason. "Maester wait, who is Jason really?". You knew something was off with the sigil that you found at the gates tonight.

"I think you should ask him that yourself", he grabbed the chest with eggs and locked it.

You stood up from the table and he gave the chest to you.

"You must not tell anyone about your identity or what resides inside of you, keep the eggs save".

You took the chest in your arms and started to walk out of maester Aemons chambers.

"What are they?", you stepped outside the door.

"A legacy".

The door shut and you were outside once again. Standing in the snow with not only a big cloak on your shoulders, but the secret of a lost family line.

AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter changes everything! I hope you like the plot so far :) As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to let me know, I'd love to hear them! Also for the people who finished the series, Jon is just Jon Snow in this story :) xx - E

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