8 - The first sign

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The next morning you woke up with a slight headache from the wine you drank yesterday at dinner. You got up, got dressed in your hunting gear. You walked downstairs still strapping in all your daggers when you heard the king. "Enjoy the Northern weather Alena!" you looked over at him.

"Tomorrow we're leaving for the capital" he laughed at you and you laughed back.

"Don't worry your grace, I will", he nodded at you with a smile and walked away. You skipped breakfast and started shooting some arrows waiting for Robb.

When he arrived he had two horses and Arya with him. He smiled at you and Arya ran up to you. "I came to tell you good luck" she said, she waved for you to come to her level.

You got down and she whispered in your ear, "Beat him for me".

You laughed and she gave you a quick hug before running off.

"She likes you" Robb said. "I like her too" you said while Robb handed you the reins of your horse.

"What's she called?" he asked while looking at your horse.

"Narah" you responded while petting her.

Narah had been your best friend since you got her, you trained her yourself. You were one when you were riding, she never did anything that would put you in danger.

She was all black and rather large, her eyes were a dark brown and her manes were long.

"She's beautiful" Robb said, "Is she fast?". You looked at him, "Want to find out?". You got in your saddle and rode to the gates, looking back at Robb.

He laughed and got on his horse as well, following you.

You rode out into the woods talking about Castle Black, Winterfell, Benjen and Kings Landing. You stopped along the way and both shot a fair amount of rabbits, Robb was a good archer.

You stopped again at an open spot in the woods, you sat down in the grass and drank some water. Robb stood next to you, "Tired?".

You scoffed, "Oh please", You got up and stood in front of him. "You'd be surprised at how long I can do this for".

He laughed, "I doubt that". You raised your eyebrows at him, you lowered the shoulder of your hunting suit, revealing your birds.

"See these?" you looked at Robb and he looked at your arm. "Sure do" he teased. You rolled your eyes.

"Each one stands for a time I went beyond the wall, and came back". Now he did look impressed, you put your suit back again.

"Can't argue with that" he said.

But before he could say anything more you felt a sharp pain in your other shoulder.

You reached for your shoulder immediately and looked at the source of the pain.

You had been shot, an arrow sat in the front of your shoulder. Just below your collarbone. You knew whoever fired that arrow was aiming for the heart.

"Alena!" Robb reached out to help you. Suddenly the world seemed to go in slow motion.

You could see another arrow shooting out of the trees behind Robb, heading straight for him.

You pushed him aside, he fell to the ground. Which was odd, because Robb was bigger than you and you wouldn't just be abled to push him to the ground like that.

You followed the arrow with your eyes and within a fraction of a second your hand shot up right in front of you.

You had caught the arrow in your hand, inches away from it hitting your face.

Unbroken / Game Of Thrones / Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now