ARC 7 - Chapter 7.16

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The Third Prince had been planning for many days and finally decided to attack the capital.

At midnight, Yan Lan brought the local troops he had assembled and surrounded the capital city. Looking at the closed gates of the capital, Yan Lan, who had finally waited for this day, was excited.

But Yang Hui stood in front of Yan Lan’s horse and pleaded, “Third Prince, think twice. You have the upper hand with the holy decree, and these troops can only be used as a means of protection. You must not attack the city!

Yang Hui has said this countless times. Now that the capital is near, it was his last reminder to Yan Lan. At this time, Yang Hui seemed to have aged more than twenty years compared to when he first left the imperial court. His body was hunched over, and his hair was white. In particular, his eyes had lost their shrewdness and confidence and showed a vague sense of decadence.

Seeing Yan Lan, who was a serious candidate for the throne, moving step by step towards the path of attacking the capital as a rebel, Yang Hui could not figure out how the Third Prince, whom he initially admired, had turned into such a state.

If the Grand Prince made mistakes in political affairs or took the lead in using force, the Third Prince could not be blamed for leading the attack on the city. But the Grand Prince’s every action has been frank and praiseworthy, and now he even personally went to Xiangzhou to control the flood. In this case, the Third Prince should just confront it with the holy decree. Why choose this means of attacking the city with troops? It was even the least impressive night attack.

“Teacher does not need to say more. The matter has come to this point, and my mind has already been decided. No matter what kind of appearance Yan Sa makes, he still is a traitor who imprisoned the Emperor and tried to usurp the throne. Once this palace rescues father, we will see who is right and who is wrong!

Yan Lan waved his hand and instructed Yang Hui to go down while he himself steered his horse to the front of the procession.

Yang Hui looked at the cold and hard face of the Third Prince, and the expectation in his eyes finally disappeared. He knelt in place towards the imperial city and bowed down and then resolutely turned around and left the camp of the Third Prince.

Even though the Third Prince held the title of the crown prince, even though he might succeed in taking the capital and ascending to the throne as Emperor tonight, Yang Hui was already disappointed to the core that Yan Lan was no longer the talent he would follow as Emperor.

Not caring about Yang Hui’s departure, Yan Lan stared deep down at the capital’s gates. He knew that leading an attack on the capital would definitely add a stain to his reputation. Still, there was nothing he could do about it, was there?

The news that the Grand Prince has recovered has been spread throughout the capital, and the entire capital regards Yan Sa as the next Emperor. Yan Lan will not get anyone’s support even if he takes the decree and tells the people that he is the crown prince of Great Yan.

Yan Sa is already in the people’s hearts, and Yan Lan can only use violent means to break their hearts.

With a glint in his eyes, Yan Lan raised the sword in his hand and shouted, “Listen carefully, the Grand Prince has imprisoned His Majesty and is planning to seize the throne. Father is in danger, so we must go to the capital tonight to save Great Yan!

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