♠Going Back In Time♠Chapter 18♠

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A/N: Ya'll, the team I'm a part of in school competed with another team today during 5th period. Half the questions were history based and the other half was math based. Bro, the other team flipping won. The questions were way to hard. Then we did another competition which was kindergarten math, and our team won- like...what?!

Jackie had been put in charge to deliver food to Sapnap, since Jonathan kept "forgetting" the food. But, she wasn't complaining. She liked talking with the ravenette, getting to know him, and just seeing him. Sapnap enjoyed the company. Everyone else on the other hand, are still not on good terms with the ravenette. Bad and Skeppy weren't allowed to see their son, Niki wasn't allowed to make deliveries to the prison, Punz was told to keep guard outside the prison and make sure nothing suspicious went on around the village. Basically, they were kept from seeing Sapnap.

Dream and George just decided not to visit. Drista kept trying to sneak out and run towards the prison, but kept getting caught by one of the guards that would be out walking at night. Once, Quackity and Karl went to see Sapnap, but the ravenette had told the guards that he didn't want them to come again. So the guards made sure they didn't go back to see him. Philza didn't allow Tommy and Tubbo to go. He also didn't allow Wilbur and Technoblade to go either, he also made sure they didn't do anything stupid to get themselves back into prison. Ranboo just stuck with Tubbo, not wanting things to get worse. Fundy just...he and Sapnap never did have a good relationship.

They used to go to school together, and they were enemies. The whole entire school knew that. If one of them did one little thing to piss the other off, a huge fight would start in a split second. So Fundy just ignored the building, going on with his days. Minx working in the prison was allowed to see Sapnap, but barely did. She was busy with testing things and such. Eret would stick by Schlatt's side to make sure he too didn't do anything stupid. Sam however, would try so hard to see the ravenette, but the guards who were guarding his door wouldn't let him. He was forced to go off and search for a new king or queen, to keep an eye out and make sure everything was going smoothly, and to deliver any news. If there was a party, or a festival, he would be in charge of delivering the news to the captain of their team.

"Hey, Sapnap! I brought your lunch" Jackie said, entering the room and locking the door. She placed the plate on the stool that sat beside the bed. Sapnap sat up, looking at the food on the plate. It was a sandwich. There was a soda can beside the plate. He smiled, looking at Jackie and thanking her. She nodded with a little smile, sitting on the bed, beside Sapnap.

"Captain Adler has gotten close to picking a new king or queen, he's just down to picking between 4 people" Jackie mentioned. Sapnap looked at her, tilting his head to the side. "What happened to King Manor?" Sapnap asked. Jackie looked at the floor, looking back at the other after a few seconds.

"He got murdered on the night of the festival, and his son got murdered as well" Jackie said. Sapnap let out a little oh. She nodded, fiddling with her fingers. The ravenette grabbed the sandwich and began to eat it. At some point, he drank some of the soda. The two stayed silent for a few minutes.

There was a sudden loud knock on the door, making the two jump. Jackie got up immediately, Sapnap threw whatever was remaining on his plate into the trash can, drinking all of the soda and throwing it into the trash as well. He sat back down onto the bed, and acted like nothing happened. Jackie opened the door and saw Captain Adler.

"Oh, hi captain! Didn't think you would be coming to the prison this early" Jackie said with a nervous laugh.

"Ah yes, turns out I had everything done so I came by sooner rather than later, and please Jackie, call me Aiden" Captain Adler said. Jackie nodded with a little smile. "So, I heard that a new Armstrong was turned in?"

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