♠️The Time Traveler♠️Chapter 2♠️

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*A/N* Hello there! How are we all doing today?
Also forgot to mention, Minx will be someone who is professionally in doing things with fingerprints and things like that.

It's been around 2 hours of waiting. Waiting for the fingerprint results. Sam sighed as he tapped his foot on the floor impatiently. He knew that it takes a while to do these types of things, but he sure didn't think it would feel like years of waiting.

"The results are in" Minx informed Sam. The two knew each other, so it sent a wave of relief through Sam to see that someone he trusted took care of the tests. They both walked into a separate room where they do the tests, Minx grabbed the test results and handed them to Sam.

He looked through them, seeing that the fingerprints on the book belonged to Karl Jacobs. So now, he knew for a fact that the person that was kidnapped was this Karl guy. He looked closer at the paper. He looked at the age, height, relationships and all of that. Soon, he looked at the picture that went with it. The male in the photo had brown, fluffy hair, brown eyes, pale skin, wore a purple hoodie, the sleeves being different colors, and a green symbol in the middle.

"Is this Karl?" Sam asked, pointing at the picture.

"Yes. But there weren't any pictures of the kidnapper" Minx said. Sam nodded, he passed the paper to Minx, looking at the second paper. He looked closely as he read the information.

"So he's 19" Sam quietly said, Minx nodded.

Sam looked even closer, looking at the name. He looked at his friend, his eyes wide in shock. She nodded once again, mouthing an "I know".

"He's not... he can't be, tell me these results are wrong" Sam said.

"They're correct... and yes, I too can't believe that.. he's related to them" Minx said after.

"Is he like... a cousin?"

"No, just.. look at his relationships"

Sam looked at the paper once again. He began to read out aloud.

"Parents are Bad and Skeppy... siblings are Punz and Niki"

"Yup, shocker"

"I don't... understand" Sam said quietly. "They never mentioned him, I know the Armstrong family has a reputation to be murderers and such, Bad, Skeppy, Punz and Niki told me they just didn't want to be like them... why would he follow the path that his relatives went down?"

"I have no idea.. but at least we have connections. We can ask either one of them how he looks like! We can find him and Karl!" Minx said.

"Do we know, what type of hybrid he is? I mean, their family are full of hybrids, not a single normal human" Sam stated.

"Apparently, he's a part of the 1%.. he's rare" Minx answered. Sam looked at her in disbelief.

"You're kidding me"

"Nope, it's the truth"

Sam sighed, "okay then... I'll bring them in so we can question them"

"Alright, I'll be waiting in the prison.. might as well check up on the prisoners"

Sam nodded. He walked out of the room, heading out of the building. As he walked towards the area Bad patrolled, he couldn't help but think why Bad would act as if this person didn't exist. Even Skeppy did, so did Punz and Niki. He just couldn't comprehend it.

He walked up to Bad, tapping his shoulder. Bad turned to look at him, a smile forming onto his face.

"Hey, Sam! Do you need something?"

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