♠Murder♠Chapter 12♠

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*A/N* heh, I hate school. I'm feeling lonelier than I have ever felt :) oh and one of my greatest friends back in elementary doesn't even remember me

It's starting to get near the Healy festival, meaning that a lot of planning is going on.. as well that many months have already passed. However, at the same time there's many other things to take care of. More guards have been searching to either find prisoners and Philza, or Sam. So king Manor had made one of the guards in charge of the whole group who were currently out searching.

Little did they know... was that there is an imposter among them. Each day, around 1-2 guards from the group would disappear and no one knew what had happened. They just assumed that they have gave up and ran back home, or that they had gone their own way to search for either the prisoners or Sam.

Meanwhile, everything for the festival was done being set up. And of course... something just had to go wrong. While the Manor was walking around his village filled with many rides, stands where people could play games and earn prizes, even stands where they sell food, snacks and drinks. 

Now, many times guards retire right? Of course, there were a few of them around the festival. They were blending in the big crowd that was a mixture of villagers of Manor's village, and many other villagers from nearby villages. There was one specific lady who had retired, and she just despised king Manor. Nobody knew, but the king had mistreated her one too many times. So now.... she felt that she had to get her revenge, and of course, someone would have to die.

Once he walked up the stage to make a small little speech, that lady hid behind a big tree a few feet away from the crowd and king. She took out a bow and arrow, oh she made sure to sharpen the tip of the arrow. The lady got ready to fire the arrow, a blank expression on her face. She quietly counted down from 3, letting out a sigh before she made it to 1. Once she did, she aimed and fired. 

No one saw the arrow however, only seeing their king fall over with the sharp arrow sticking out from his side. Everyone began to scream, running around and trying to find somewhere to hide. The lady had ran away after that, not wanting anyone to see her. 

But she forgot one thing, Manor had a son. It was said that after the king dies, their son would take their spot on the thrown right after. She remembered about it, remembering the prince's name. Alexander Hamlin. She groaned and ran back to the tree that she had hid behind.

"Everyone, calm down! My name is Alexander Hamlin, I am king Manor's son... please, we will find who did this" Alex said with a loud voice, everyone had stopped running and hurried back to their original spots to listen to their soon to be king.

"Guards, search the left and those guards shall search the right. Please inform any of the guards or myself if you have an idea of who did this" Everyone nodded, walking around as to help with the searching.

But, when everyone turned around, another arrow was shot. Alexander had attempted to dodge it but had failed, falling backwards beside his dead father's body. Yet again, everyone began to yell and run around.. not knowing what to do now that they didn't have a king anymore, and that there was a killer somewhere around the village.


Sam and Sapnap's relationship has been rocky the past few months. Just some manipulation here and there, threatening from both of them, attempts of running away which lead to pain. Sometimes, Sap actually acted kind towards Sam but that was only when he was in a good mood... which isn't often.

Sapnap had broke Sam's ankles and one arm. The arm was only because Sam had tried to strangle the younger, wanting to kill him but obviously failing. Now, for the ankles.. Sap only did it so Sam didn't run. Now these types of things weren't fun for Sam, but it wasn't fun for Sapnap either.

Currently, the ravenette was walking towards the dark room that Sam was being held. He always helped the green haired male to walk around, since his uh.. ankles ya know. He unlocked the door, opening it. A loud creaking sound could be heard, soon coming to a stop. He walked in, seeing Sam sitting on the floor as he fiddled with his fingers.

"Sam, are you hungry?" Sapnap asked. Sam looked around in the room, spotting the younger male at the doorway.

"Uh.. no" He responded.

"Alright... do you need the bathroom?"


"Do you wanna go outside? Today is the Healy festival" Sapnap mentioned, he remembered all those times that he's been to the Healy festival. He would always beg Skeppy to take him, always forced him on the big rides and had him win a big panda plushie which was bigger than him.

Sap smiled at the memories, soon snapping out of it. Sam thought for a moment before he responded.

"Am I allowed to go to the festival or am I just going outside of the base?" Sam finally asked. The two had moved locations, Sapnap didn't want to risk getting caught after all those guards had searched the underground place. He had found a different cabin of his somewhere near their home village, it was really hidden so no one even knew it was there.

"You'll only be able to go outside of the cabin, like on the porch. You can still see the village from there, you might even see all the lights from the rides since it's dark out" Sapnap stated. 

Sam nodded in understanding, feeling the younger helping him get up. The two woddled towards the front door, Sap opening it and helping Sam sit down on the couch on the porch. He then walked back inside, leaving the door wide open in case Sam needed something.

Sam didn't realize just how much he missed being outside, looking up at the night sky, staring at the moon.. and just being able to see his village from afar, especially when the festival was happening. He could hear the fireworks going off, he could even see all the colors that filled the sky. Red, blue, purple, green.. all sorts of colors.


Someone had been shot.. and it sounded so close, way too close. Sam turned his head to look towards the front door. What he saw made his heart drop...

Sapnap was on the ground.

To Be Continued...
Word Count: 1,134

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