♠Making It Work♠Chapter 14♠

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*A/N* No people, Dumbdog isn't in this book. I don't even know who Dumbdog is- do not attack me!
Some title ideas that GamerDoughnut came up with (they wanted me to mention them): Apollo Needs to Apollo-gize Before He Apollo Dies, Apollo Dies 100% Legit, Apollo Gets His World Rocked, Apollo Gets Clocked In The Face

Sapnap quickly got up, "Apollo..?"

"Hello Sapnap, long time no see" The said male stated. Apollo was quite close with Sapnap...or used to be. The two are cousins, Sap was always the one who was seen as the dangerous cousin meanwhile Apollo was seen as the good and heroic cousin. Why? Heh, well..

Apollo is half blaze, originally everyone in their family figured that the two would be half blaze together, since Bad and his sister had the genes. Now, everyone knows that children won't exactly inherit a whole bunch of genetics from one parent. But, their family was so sure that Sap and Apollo would get those genes from Bad and his sister...they were half right and half wrong.

It was a shock when they found out Sapnap was immediately confirmed as a Nether Hybrid the second he was born. His heart beats faster than a normal human and hybrid. His body temperature is warmer. His eyesight is way better than your typical human. Even his hearing and thinking is. It was as if every Nether Hybrid was born with an intelligent mind, but Sap's being more intelligent.

All these differences...really broke Apollo's and Sapnap's close relationship. They hated each other. Sap was the "villain" and Apollo was the "hero" in their family's eyes.

"Sapnap, who is this?" Sam asked, looking at the ravenette who seemed angry.

"He's my cousin" The two said in sync. Apollo and Sap glared at each other, they seemed ready to fight each other right there and then. As to make sure they didn't decide to immediately murder each other, Skeppy stood in front of Sapnap while Bad held Apollo back.

"Ya'll cousins?" Eret questioned.

"Sadly yes" Sapnap responded, making Apollo scoff and roll his eyes. Just to make things clear, Apollo has dark brown curly hair, tanned skin, grey eyes and is pretty tall..around Dream's height.

"look, we'll deal with this whole 'cousin reunion' thing later...for now we have to keep Sapnap hidden before a guard catches us and locks his sorry ass up" Schlatt stated, still pulling on the tight cuffs around his wrists.

"Since when do you care?" Wilbur asked, quite surprised at what his friend had said.

"I don't, he's your friend so might as well not put him through the same shit we went through" He responded. Techno nodded in agreement, somehow breaking off the cuffs. Bad took out keys from his pocket, unlocking the cuffs around Will's and Schlatt's wrists.

Niki got a hold of Sapnap's hand, quickly dragging him through the hallway. Everyone else followed, making sure to be sneaky as to not alarm any of the others inside the prison. Time to time, they almost got caught by how much noise Apollo kept making. He kept stomping, 'accidentally' hitting the wall, talking and questioning why they were going to hide the ravenette.

Somehow, they successfully got out of the prison and hurried to Sapnap's now not so secret cabin. When they got inside, Sam picked up the said male and carried him to one of the rooms, confusing everyone else. Once the two were inside the room with the door closed, everyone else looked at Apollo, Dream and George.

"Look...you three have to promise us, that you won't turn him in" Bad said.

"Why would we promise, he killed my parents!" George yelled. "He also killed Dream's! Drista is literally at the house right now, she won't get out of her room."

"We're sorry about that okay? We know that it was a bad..horrible thing to do, but you have to understand that Sapnap isn't the same Sapnap we used to know, he isn't thinking straight" Skeppy stated.

"He was always fucked up in the head uncle, everyone in our family knows that" Apollo said after. Skeppy just sighed as he sat down on the couch, not being able to stop staring at the pool of blood on the floor near the front door...belonging to Sap from earlier that night.

When everyone wasn't looking and getting things to clean up the blood, Apollo sneaked towards the room that Sapnap and Sam were in. He didn't brother knocking, he just turned the door knob and pushed open the door. When he entered, he was greeted by Sam about to get all smoochie smoochie with Sap.

"AH! HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?!" Sapnap yelled, pushing Sam away as he looked at Apollo. The said male only rolled his eyes, feeling the urge to cause a fight with the green haired male.

"Are you dating" Apollo looked at Sapnap, "that hideous thing?"

Sapnap stood up, trying to push the ugly bastard (Apollo) out of room. Let's just say that Sam has gotten quite over protective of Sapnap during their time together. So when Apollo pushed back, causing Sapnap to fall onto the floor...anger overcame Sam. 

When Sap fell onto the floor, he looked at his hands. The rug underneath him began to burn. Sapnap being injured was feeling a sharp pain in his stomach from earlier that night. Sure Sap was strong...but he was shot, he was weak at the current moment. Since he was in pain, he couldn't control his abilities that well. The rug was gone by now, but all Sam noticed was Sapnap.

He realized just how much pain the ravenette was in right now, get angrier than before. Out of instinct, Sam pushed Apollo, causing him to hit the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! He's injured and has done nothing wrong to you!"

"Sapnap is a monster...he's insane, how can you not see that Sam?!" Apollo said. 

"Shut the fuck up and leave this room" Sam said with a rather calm voice. 

"Sap is worthless, he should have to leave, I'm clearly better" Apollo stated. Not even a second later, Sam punched him. He continued even as Apollo fell on the floor and tried to push him off. Sapnap on the other hand was trying to stop the green haired male.

"Sam, please stop!" Sapnap said, attempting to pull him off. But all the happened was Sam pushing the younger back onto the ground, unintentionally of course. Apollo began to yell at the male on top of him to stop, but he wouldn't listen.

Skeppy had ran up the stairs, walking into the room and breaking up the fight. Bad was standing in the doorway, menacingly. Sam reluctantly stopped, waiting for the other three to leave the room, closing the door and locking it. The shorter male (Sap) just looked at him, still on the ground as he held his stomach in pain. 

Sam sighed, picking up the younger..placing him on the bed. "Sorry about pushing you, I was just angry" Sam said, making Sapnap smile a little. The ravenette forgave the other, pulling him onto the bed as he began to giggle. Sam just listened, a big smile forming onto his face.

Skeppy checked up on Apollo, confirming that he was still breathing and alive..sadly. Bad however, was knocking on the door. Sam wasn't going to let him in of course. He looked around, seeing a window with a lock on it. Sometimes, you gotta take risks ya know? So he grabbed a lamp on the bedside table, breaking the window. Sapnap jumped a little, staring at Sam as if he was crazy.

Sam carefully placed Sap onto the floor, grabbing the mattress and throwing it out of the window. Sam picked up Sapnap, jumping out of the window. Sap tightly held onto the taller, closing his eyes as they fell.

When he landed onto the mattress, he began to run. Bad had finally broke into the room, but when he entered all he saw was a broken window and absolutely no one inside. He groans and runs back to the others. Everyone turned to look at him once he made it to the living room.

"Guys, Sam and Sapnap are missing!" Bad loudly said, making everyone panic. 

To Be Continued...
Word Count: 1,388

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