♠️Piece Of Cake♠️Chapter 8♠️

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*A/N* Don't ask how (talking about recent announcement), it just happened.
And thank you GamerDoughnut :)

Everyone knows that being social has it's advantages, and being too social makes you seem like an open book. Niki, she is a social person, always talking people around the village. This means that she has many connections, she basically knows half of the village already. Punz, he is also social but not as much as his sister. Sapnap, he never really was the type to socialize with people that aren't his family. So you can take a wild guess on how he became friends with Dream and George back then. 

Now, being a baker and owning your own bakery was always Niki's dream ever since she was little. And she fulfilled it, and now is happily baking things for her fellow neighbors.

A random person that she hasn't talked to yet came up to the bakery, ready to say what they wanted. Niki walked up to the front, a bright smile on her face as she greeted her customer.

"Hello! What would you like today?" Niki asked.

"I would like a simple cake with the words 'congratulations'... I also want this to be put in the cake" The person said, handing her a little bottle which seemed to be vanilla extract. She thought that something good must've happened. She gladly took the bottle and went off to bake the cake, talking to some people as she did so. One of them was a guard who worked at the prison.

They leaned over the counter to whisper something to Niki, "Hey... Sam disappeared right after Dream's dad died, weird huh." She looked at them with slightly wide eyes.

"Oh.. he did? That's weird" She said.

"Yep, all the guards back in the prison along with myself have been searching for him every day, we're gonna go back to searching in a few minutes" they stated.

"But, we're keeping it a secret from everyone else outside the prison... so, lips sealed?"

"Lips sealed" She said, finishing the cake. She boxed it up neatly, and walks back to where her customer was. She called for them so they could come pick it up. The person walked back towards the counter, and looked at the box.

"Um, can you deliver it to the prison?" They asked. It was Niki's lunch break already, so she happily agreed. She walked out of the bakery, one of the other bakers switching to take her spot until her break was over.

Niki walked towards the prison, everyone around her wondering what the occasion was. The vanilla extract that the customer asked to be in the cake had a sleeping potion mixed inside, a very strong one in fact.

Once she entered the building, everyone gathered around. She was offered to have a slice, which she agreed to after a few are you sure's. They were all standing and sitting around, eating their slice of cake and relaxing. Everyone, except for one person, got a slice.

Everyone began to feel sleepy, soon falling asleep one by one. Everyone who was sitting on the couch either slumped to the side, forward or luckily laid back against the cushions. Now, everyone who was standing up fell to the floor. All of them were asleep, except for the one who didn't take a slice of the cake. 

He sighed and shook his head, turning to his side to inform someone that all these people fell asleep. Right when he was about to walk away from the current problem, he saw Technoblade out of his cell. He was first of all, confused and secondly shocked.

He was confused on how he was even out of his cell because Techno was placed in maximum security. He was shocked because Techno was out of his cell. Now, the pink haired male was put in maximum security because he stole potatoes, and blown up 96 orphanages, killing many... many orphans.

Techno knocked him out cold, ankles looking broken, arms deformed... he was out like a light. Technoblade crouched down and grabbed the guards keys. He got up and heard a noise, he turned around and noticed that Niki was waking up.

She sat up, looking at the pink haired male. She had only ate a small piece of the cake, wanting everyone else to enjoy the cake. She stood up, catching the other's attention. He sighed and walked over to her, about to knock her out just like he did with the other person.

Niki put her hands up, "look.. I know a lot of people, I won't tell anyone that you're out... you're more likely to get caught if I died, people will notice"

Technoblade let out a sigh, "fine, I'll spare you... but you're gonna help me break someone out, alright?"

Niki nodded. The two walked towards the cells near his own. They ended up finding Philza, who had to go to ISS for 30 minutes for punching a crow. Apparently, the crow called him "old Philza" in defense. Techno breaks him out, even if Phil only had 30 seconds left.

"Techno? How are you out of your cell?" Philza asked.

"Eh, escaped" Techno stated.


"Hi! Oh um... I know someone else we should break out" Niki said, running along the halls. The other two followed her, and ended up at Wilbur's cell, not even noticing Schlatt who was somehow, fast asleep.

"Sapnap?" Wilbur mumbled, he had just woke up and was quite out of it. A confused expression appeared on her face, wondering why Will would think she was her other brother.

"No, it's Niki" She said, Wilbur letting out a quiet oh. Niki unlocked the cell, letting her tall friend out. Once he got his balance back, a smile formed onto his face.

"We should get the gang back together" Wilbur stated, with a cheerful tone of voice. 

To Be Continued...
Word Count: 992
Shorter chapter, but still interesting.

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