♠️Escaped♠️Chapter 9♠️

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*A/N* I'm starting school on Monday... yay.
I have no idea if the image even has anything to do with the chapter, I just chose it for some reason. 

"What do you mean by the gang?" Niki asked Wilbur. He told her not to worry about it. They ended up releasing a few other prisoners, soon leaving the prison without getting caught.. Schlatt was still in his cell. Niki was basically a hostage at this point.

They were walking around outside in the forest, all of the criminals went their separate direction except for the original three that Niki was with. Back at the village, the person that was covering Niki's shift was starting to get worried, so were the other workers there.

"Hey Will.. who's Sapnap?" Philza asked, only knowing about his appearance and the fact that he was Bad's son.

"He's a friend of mine" Wilbur responded with a smile. Phil sighed, deciding to not ask any more questions having to do with the small ravenette.

"So.. Phil, why were you in jail?" Technoblade asked. Philza just looked at his son, letting out a sigh.

"Oh, personal reasons" He responded. Niki noticed that they were distracted, so she slowly and quietly walked backwards. Soon enough, she was far away and began to run back to the prison.

Niki arrived back to the village quite quickly, going to the prison.. not caring that her lunch break was almost over. She entered the building, seeing that all the other guards were still fast asleep. She tried to shake some of them awake, needing to tell them what happened.

"h- huh?" one of the guards spoke quietly, seeing Niki above him. She began to ramble, saying everything that had happened quickly. He stood up, looking around while Niki was behind him.. panicking. He noticed that Schlatt was out of his cell, clearly drunk. He was in there for tax evasion.

"Schlatt... go back into your cell" The guard ordered. The male was way too drunk to deal with it, so he just entered his cell. The guard quickly closed the door, locking it up. He walked back towards Niki, seeing that she was slightly shaking.

"T- Techno escaped!" She yelled, making him panic. He quickly sounded the alarm, some of the other guards waking up from the loud noise. They stood up, confused but now on high alert.

They sent a search party to find Techno. Even if they find Philza, he would be off the hook. Having one guard, who was great at their job, go missing and having a criminal who was a menace for his crimes now on the lose... is quite a scare.

While the search party were out doing their thing, Minx was sent to check if any other criminals escaped. She noticed that Wilbur was gone as well along with a whole bunch of more prisoner, so she quickly informed the other guards.

Even more panic. Many of the guards were starting to argue whether they should tell King Manor about the current problem.. or not.

"Don't tell the kind, he doesn't need to know about this" A guard said.

"We're keeping this between us, nobody else needs to know" Another guard said right after.

"We have to tell him!" One of the other guards stated, many others nodding in agreement. The other half who didn't want to tell, were trying to hide the fact that some of the most wanted people had escaped.

Meanwhile, Techno was getting supplies.. getting ready for battle with the guards who were growing near. Wilbur just sat on the grass, watching as Philza talked with the crows again. Seemed like their argument was getting heated. He then punched one of them.

Wilbur sighed and got up, deciding to search for his friend.. Sapnap. He wanted to see if there were any new plans that they would need to discuss. He kept on walking and walking, deciding to find the cabin that Sap had stayed in, not knowing that he had ran away from that place. Though, he was mainly wanting him to help him with something. Wilbur had helped the ravenette, so now Sap had to help him.

After around a hour, Wilbur gave up. He made it to the cabin but didn't find his friend anywhere. So he figured that Sap was out doing something, so he regrouped with Techno. 


Niki was now in an interrogation room, Bad, Skeppy and Punz were standing nervously in the corner of the room. One of the main guards in the prison was pacing back in forth in front of the desk that her hands were cuffed to. She sighed in annoyance, the last time that she was in one of these rooms.. was when she was questioned by Sam, who was trying to figured things about her younger brother, Sapnap.

"How did you know they escaped?" The guard asked.

"I was awake... I saw them leave their cells" Niki said.

"Why weren't you asleep like the rest of us when you had cake too?"

"I only ate a small piece of the cake, so I guess it didn't last as long"

"Did you help them escape?"

"No!" Niki exclaimed.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" The guard asked, yet another question.

"I-... none of the guards were waking up, and all the others were out patrolling or testing things" Niki explained, the guard hummed.. glancing over at the other three who were there, soon looking back at her.

"What are your relations to Technoblade and/or Wilbur?"

"I don't really know Techno, all I know is that he's Wilbur's brother and did horrible things. He was rather quiet when we were younger. Will... he's my friend" Niki stated,

"Anything else you'd like to tell us?"


The guard nodded and had a different guard enter the room, taking off the cuffs and grabbing a hold of Niki's arm. They placed her in witness protection program. 

So, you know how we hate governments right?

To Be Continued...
Word Count: 1,006

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