♠The Prison♠Chapter 16♠

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*A/N* GamerDoughnut really decided to give me an idea for the first three little paragraphs of this story- I legit had to make my last little brain cell to work in order to complete this >:(

An axe was being held at Sapnap's throat, his wrists getting handcuffed together by one of the guards. They were still in the field, the guards were able to sneak attack them before the others caught them. Niki and Punz stood back in shock, afraid. Sam was standing there, shaking in anger.

"We will kill him if you don't come back with us, Sam" One of the guards said, inching the axe closer to the ravenette's neck. Sapnap being weak due to being shot earlier that night, can't do anything also due to the fact that there was an axe at his throat.

"Fine, I'll go back with you...just let Sap go" Sam said, looking at the guard who was holding the younger in place. The same guard had knocked the younger out, as well as knocking out Sam.

"No!" Niki yelled, about to run over to her brother, however Punz pulled her back. He knew that they would get injured if they tried to interfere. The guards grabbed the two who were unconscious, two other guards had to take Niki and Punz back to the prison. Mid way there, Sam had woken up. He was quite mad, but he had to do what he was told. He didn't even know that the King had died, so he followed his fellow guard...thinking that if he went against what they said, he would get punished by the king. 

Sapnap being weak didn't wake up. It would take around a few hours for him to wake up. But the guards didn't know for sure. It was just a matter of time before a new king appeared, ordering for the guards to completely get rid of the ravenette. That is the law after all. Any Nether Hybrids that are seen should be killed immediately, no mercy at all. 

After around an hour, the guards finally arrived back at the prison. Everyone who was inside waiting had followed the guard who was carrying Sapnap. Apollo had a small smile on his face, meanwhile around less than half of them were upset. Bad had tried to convince the other guards to let Sap go, that he would make sure he didn't do any more crimes...but they didn't listen.

Sam watched in anger as the guard placed Sapnap on a bed, in a room specifically made for his kind of hybrid/species. Schlatt, Wilbur and Technoblade were set free, the person in charge seeing that they had changed quite a bit. Will of course, had intentions to break the ravenette out of prison. However, Philza already knew that he was planning on doing that..so he was going to keep a close eye on him and make sure he didn't do anything stupid, along with making sure Techno didn't follow along with Will's ideas. 

"You have to understand, he won't do anything bad anymore! I promise-" Sam said, standing in a room with one of the guards who had locked up Sap.

"No, Sam. You don't know him like that...I know that you two have gotten close, but you don't know for sure what his intentions are based on how long he's kept you hostage" The guard spoke, looking straight at the green haired male.

"Just...just tell me that he won't be in here for long"

"Sorry pal, but we plan on following the order the king had given us before he died, we have to kill him at some point"

"Wait...the king died?" Sam asked. The guard nodded. Sam looked down at the floor, anyone in the village would want to take the throne, but everyone in the village also wanted to completely get rid of the 1% in the Armstrong family.

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