Soil, good ground for planting

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Week 5/9

The next few days went pretty well. Severus showed Harry the library he had and set aside some books he could read. Likewise, he discovered that the boy was actually very good academically, oddly enough he had picked up Granger's habit of reading the books to understand more about the courses. He could usually be found in the fluffy corner of his room reading, drawing with a set of odorless paints Minerva had given him or playing in the alternate room he had with Poppy's toys.

Harry got up from his study chair and decided he would take a dose of Albuterol . He decided to leave the Herbology book closed, when he heard the mains flu activate in the living room. Slowly he opened the door and found Severus walking next to  him , he looked at him and closed the door while leaving the boy locked. Harry didn't understand, but maybe it was like before, he was supposed to stay quiet in the room.

"Lucius, it's been a while."

" Severus, I thought you had vanished . You didn't accept the potions tutoring for Draco again , because honestly I pay a good figure for it and so far my son if he has had good results "

"Yeah, I've been a bit busy doing work for ...Dumbledore."

" Of course , because ... who cares that our lord is gone , you dont care about it ?" 

" Mind your words , Malfoy. I have never been disloyal to our master " If it were up to him , he would send Malfoy to hell, his very presence made him nauseous.

"Forgive me for insinuating otherwise. You stopped attending meetings and we thought you were simply a traitor ."

" Watch your tongue . I have not attended, because I have been busy. I don't have time to tutor Draco privately at the moment either, but I know he is smart enough to be able to cope with the next academic term without my constant presence in your home "

"Thank you for the faith you have in him, even so..."

Lucius advanced through the sitting room and as he walked a toy squeaked under his foot. Severus maintained his composure.


Harry stood behind the door listening to the conversation and couldn't believe Draco's dad was out there. Severus had taken the time to explain to him his relationship with the Mortifagi and the whole thing, but he still hadn't liked the thought of his dad...his professor, being involved as a spy and that even though there was no more Voldemort they were still looking for him to meet with him. However, he would have to adjust to being in hiding.

The pressure in his chest increased when the Falmouth Falcones rubber toy rattled , he had left it in the living room while he had played with Severus the night before . Harry panicked because he knew that if any of them (death eaters ) found him there  , nice things would not happen . Harry increased his oxygen supply a few more liters and sat down on the floor with his legs crossed and his arms on his knees . His inhalers were out, but he didn't know if he could get out yet. He tried to suppress a coughing fit he felt in his throat , he felt like if he didn't cough he was going to explode at some point.


"Toys? . Is there something you're not telling me here?"

" Nothing new to know, apart from Filch confiscating the silly banalities left by the slytherins  on  first year  . Stupid sentimentality."

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