There, where someone cares

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Harry Potter - 8 years :

" Here boy ! Here's today's homework list".

" Yes sir . "

" I hope that , when I get home from work at 6 pm , I can find the house , perfect . listen to me well ... one mistake and I swear I will get you out of this house without hesitation " Vernon left with Duddley leaving him  at home with Aunt Petunia .

" Come Harry , let me see what you have to do ..."

" Ok , well I'll help you with the first five , I don't want you to get too agitated after last week's attack  "
" Thank you very much aunt petunia , you still know  , you don't have to do it "

" Harry ..( petunia bent down a little as she ruffled Harry's hair ) , you know I love you , don't you . Now , I'm going to help you because even though you want to deny it to me I know're running out of medication .I just can't ... save enough money from what Vernon gives me to buy your medication , I'm so sorry , you know sometimes he doesn't give me money for very long "

" Tia it's not your fault , I will fix it , I can always go to Mrs. figg's or other neighbors houses to help them with any bags or favors they need to earn money and buy them "

" Oh Harry ! You are going to make me cry ...I understand you want to do it by your own means , but it wouldn't be good Harry , that would involve physical effort and I don't want you to risk other crises , do you understand me? "

" Aunt .. but ."

" No  ,  young man . Now you take care of the dishes and I'll go put the clothes in the dryer "

" Yes ma'am " Harry just smiled at her and set about grabbing the gloves.


Hours later :

Aunt petunia had given Harry a break after lunch to sleep in his " room " , but Harry was really worried about one thing , his fast acting drugs , the ones he used for his attacks  , were running out at an amazing rate , or something like that . Actually  , it was  time to have replaced them and have some new ones in reserve , but it had been 4 months since Uncle Vernon had given his aunt any money and likewise he had no more medication , he had been feeling worse because his control meds had run out and he had over used  the fast acting ones as he was starting to get worse .

He didn't want to tell Uncle Vernon because he was afraid he would be beaten. Generally after the hospital visit , he became more aggressive than ever and Harry knew that any cough , wheeze that  his uncle heard was a time for a severe beating . Sometimes it wasn't just the beating itself , but the pain and stress made him end up with an asthma attack that made Uncle Vernon a hell of a lot angrier than he was at the  begin .

If you added to that,  some event of a weird nature like changing Duddley's hair color or something like that  , he commented that it was because of his weirdness and that he was going to beat it out of him, Harry would end up with a severe attack and he could only listen to his aunt fighting with Uncle Vernon, while he tried to breathe on the floor and his aunt  will later inject him with epinephrine. Sometimes the last thing he remembered was his aunt crying , praying or telling him to please not die . The situation had been more or less continuous for the past year and finally his uncle had grown tired of paying for the necessary medications.

Harry checked his bag where he kept his medication and found that ...he had nothing . All the inhalers read 0 on the dosage counter, he could have sworn he had a few doses left a few nights ago. She wouldn't tell her aunt , she was hopeful she wouldn't have to use the last two doses of epinephrine left . He   saw through and pulled out all the empty inhalers he had and looked at them one by one just to confirm  . When he was done he was amazed and perhaps felt a little sad when he saw what his life had become , his bed was full of inhalers , blister packs , packaging , boxes and syringes ...all that was ,what kept him alive .

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