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Hogwarts Infirmary :

" Severus , I see by your face that you have heard some news "

"Poppy! You knew about it too ? "

" Well Severus ...I had to perform some spells to check what Minerva told me when Harry started studying at Hogwarts , besides it's standard procedure for magical records , I'm sorry , but I actually couldn't reveal anything to you myself,  even if I had wanted to "

Severus sat on the edge of the closest bed  to Poppy and looked at her with pleading eyes .

" Take this Severus "

" calming draugh ?"

" Well Severus , I really think you need it . You're shaking all over the place " Poppy sat up and hugged Severus , as he took the potion in one go .

" Better ?"

" I'll be better when you explain this whole situation to me . I already read the diagnosis you made and I feel a complete imbecile , I never wanted to realize the things my ...son was going through "

"It's okay Severus. Many times  , we only see what we want to see . Regarding Harry's diagnoses , the most complex in his severe asthma and the abuse he suffered . If you read it carefully , the malnutrition I have combated with strong nutritional potions and he has been able to gain weight properly , I am concerned that he will not gain enough during this summer . As for his mental health I have done my best and he has not had nightmares as recurrently , however , you as a parent must give him all the support you can , it will be a long term job ."

" I don't know how Albus , could allow to let him go to the Dursleys , they will kill him , he didn't even take his medication , I don't even know if they give him food ..."

" Severus we will do our best to get the papers back from the ministry as quickly as possible "

" I know , I'm just worried that ...I don't know . Poppy , he  needs a lot of attention and . I guess that family gives him nothing , what if he has a migraine attack , just like my Lily ...I used to give her pain potions .... "

" Severus ,  we can do nothing  with worrying . About  for the abuse , I was able to repair all the bones with all the potions I had from Skele -gro . It wasn't pretty to look at , nor was it nice for Harry , but it had to be done ."

" Thank you so much Poppy , no doubt I will give you more Skele- gro this summer , everything you have done with the boy . I can't believe what an idiot I was  , punishing him for the bad scores  and maybe ...he didn't see properly , I'm stupid ."

" Severus Snape , we talked about the self-destructive talks a few months ago ?"

" I'm sorry , it's just ...maybe he just didn't have the right correction on his glasses and I just yelled at him horribly ."

" Things happen and what's done is done severus . Now , come over here and I will teach you about Harry's medications , they are not few and I know this may seem like overkill but  His condition is severe . I know you will do  it very well ."

" You know I am a healer , but this Muggle disease stuff is beyond me . The only thing I know is that there is no cure and that discourages me a little "

" Don't worry , fortunately I was able to get brochures and other information for you to read . "

" Poppy I don't know how to thank you ..."

" Learning Sev , learning "


Ministry of Magic - minors section :

" What do you mean it has not yet passed the first filter . The application I sent it more than a month ago to be reviewed ."

" Professor Mcgonagall , you will understand that magical and medical records must be carefully corroborated and more so in special and confidential cases such as this "

" Damn it Leind , I need this matter cleared up as quickly as possible . We are talking about ...Potter . It's not just any other child "

" I know professor , but until the certificates are corroborated , we can't do anything and that will take at least a month "


" That's all I can do . Be warned that these processes are long , even if we are talking about the child who lived . Not counting the muggle processes that must be done , and that would take another month . My recommendation is that you do not expect permanent adoption results until the end of the summer ."

" Albus will listen to this, I swear "

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