Ties that bind us

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Two days later :

"Professor Snape?" 

"Tell me Harry..."

"Professor , you don't have to do it."

"Do what exactly?"

"Well...you know...stay here and look after me . It's not necessary and besides I'll be going back to my room in the tower shortly."

" Pfff , what? do you really believe that ?" 

" Well ...I don't want to be a burden to anyone and I know perfectly well that you have other duties to do . I don't want to be a burden and if you are worried about tutoring we could see each other a few hours a day so as not to disturb you. I know ... how much he hates me."

"Harry, no! ...what? It's all wrong. I told you that you are NOT a burden to me and if I have been by your side all these days, it is because...we have to talk about why later , when you get  well  , but I am your tutor now and it means 24 hours a day and 7 days a week . Before holidays  I left everything ready for next year and what I have to dedicate myself to is to take care of you and I ...I don't hate you ..I couldn't do it  ..not anymore ." 

"Professor Snape , are you all right? . Thank you for telling me all that , but . You don't need to pretend to have concern for me . I know you hate me because of my father and I understand that perfectly ...so if the others aren't around you can act normal " 

" Harry! Are you hearing yourself for a second? Your father ... forget it , just ...I don't hate you" . Commented the man as he handed another teaspoon of chopped fruit to the boy . 

" Professor , you don't need all this , it makes it harder for you and me ...because you have never really cared ...so you don't need all this.." 

Severus being a man of a really fickle character due to all the events , exploded . 


 Harry was startled , although he already foresaw his professor's reaction , this caught him off guard. He was scared and his eyes misted over with tears , within seconds he realized he couldn't breathe and sob at the same time . 

" I ...I ...I'm ...sorry ...pro...fe...Sor" 

" Oh ... Merlin! Harry breathe , I'm sorry , I shouldn't ...shit ...POPPY , POPPY !!!" 

" But what ...is going on here ! " Poppy said angrily as she came in and pulled Severus away from the boy's side and put an spacer with the respective inhaler on Harry's face .

" I'm sorry ...I'm sorry...so sorry Harry , I...I lost control , I didn't mean to ." 

" Get Out Severus , now ." 

" No , leave me....I need to be with him " 

" I said , now ." 

Severus walked out and stood petrified outside the bedroom door as he listened to his son gasp , as Poppy said the cutest things in the world to him . In less than no time , he was crying ...he didn't know how he would be a good father .

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