Let me be by your side

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Week 3/9 - Hogwarts Infirmary

The days passed in a blur for Harry and in his mind there was only the haze of believing that maybe his aunt had taken him to the emergency room, because the only thing he clearly felt was no longer pain, but something warm and fluffy under him, a  bed. He could hear Dr. Gayle in the background and that gave him much more reassurance than he expected , even though he hadn't heard his aunt . Surely she had saved him .

Harry awoke from his sleep and quickly panicked , he felt like he had something stuck in his throat , it was horrible .

"Hey Harry , it's OK , I'm dr Gayle . You have a tube in your throat for breathing , ok? I'm going to remove it , I just need you to cough , everything is going to be fine."

After the tube was quickly replaced by an oxygen mask , Harry glimpsed that the enclosure where he was was highly similar to the Hogwarts infirmary , but that was not possible ,how would his aunt take him all the way to the school? It was just a silly idea.Besides that , the second thing that caught his attention the most was several blurry people standing next to his bed and one , tall and black enough to bring to his mind the idea of being his potions teacher. Harry quickly abandoned the idea and let himself be carried away by the darkness.


"Why doesn't he wake up, Doctor?"
"Severus, the boy had several concussions and also he was deprived of oxygen for quite a while , it is normal for him to be in a coma , I hope he will improve"
"When is he going to wake up..."
"Soon , don't be impatient . The brain is a complicated thing "
"And what if he doesn't wake up.Enervate ..it may be an option " 
" Severus do not even think about it , it's only been two days , take it easy."
"Take it easy? Gayle please , it terrifies me to see him lying there,  so still." 

Severus was walking  in front of the boy's bed with the most anguished face he could have made in his 32 years of life , the boy was so still it made him shudder to look at him .  However, Harry was sure he was dreaming, such unreal conversations didn't come true very often, he didn't deserve the attention.


"Harry, it's Dr. Shaun. I know you're listening to me and by your hand movement I know you're awake . Come on ...come on ...let me see those beautiful eyes ."
"Come on champ . I need to talk to you and know you're okay."
"Doc...tor? Where am I?" whispered Harry as he opened his eyes lazily.
"Hogwarts Infirmary , sweetheart." 

The boy recognized Poppy's voice and smiled , only to see the nurse to his right .

"And my aunt...and my uncle...where are they? Where are they ?...are they going to take me home like last time ?"
"Harry ,  you are at  home . how are you feeling ? " Poppy asked .
"Fine , thanks . Much better than I have been in some time , but where are they ?"

They all looked at each other uncomfortably in the room .

"Well Harry , you see . I'd like to know what happened ? What's the last thing you remember?" 
" I was a bad, dirty, nasty little boy , I...got sick . They said they were going on a trip for a few days and I...I just tried to do the best I could but , my stomach hurt so much and..."
"Harry ...for how many days did they leave you?"

The voice of his potions teacher appeared from the back of the room and approached towards the foot of the bed. Strangely , the man did not have his mask of a sarcastic idiot , but on the contrary had a worried face.

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