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I'M NOT GOING TO BE LATE AT JOB BECAUSE OF YOU!" Vernon shouted to a badly wounded Harry who was lying in the backyard tied up.

" Yes ...Uncle Vernon!"

Harry knew he deserved it , he was a freak and he should be very grateful that his uncle gave him a roof to sleep under , garbage to eat and corrected him when it was right , that was the law of life .He had to thank Uncle Vernon for trying to beat the magic out of him , he knew it was a bad thing that lived inside him . Maybe someday he wouldn't have magic anymore and his uncles would finally love him .

Harry got up as fast as he could while Vernon cut the rope from the little boy's bleeding uncle threw the glasses at his feet and Harry fumbling around was able to find them and put them on. As soon as Harry ran into the kitchen he realized that it had rained quite a bit the night before and he was completely soaked, he also discovered that maybe he was starting to get sick, but he couldn't complain now, that was for normal people.

He climbed onto his little kitchen stool and began to quickly cook eggs and bacon just the way Uncle Vernon liked it , he also served food to his aunt and cousin . When he went over to serve some more bacon to Vernon, he discovered the big bruise that petunia had on her face , she could only nod and try to cover her face with her hair .

" Boy , get the list of things I want you to do today ! If you don't do them I will have to hit you harder than yesterday "

" Yes Uncle Vernon "

" Clear the table , boy !"

Petunia got up to take Duddley to school , while Vernon also left the house , leaving Harry alone in the house .

Harry cleaned up quickly and did the menial chores around the house, he thought that maybe when Aunt Petunia came back, he could ask her for a bath and see if he was allowed to change his clothes because they were damp and only made the cold seep into his bones. He wanted mommy and daddy to be here to hold him and make him feel warm, only there was no one there. Just as he finished impeccably sweeping the living room , his aunt came in .

" Harry , where are you ?"

He was afraid , maybe his aunt was going to hit him .

" Here , aunt petunia , I was just finishing doing my morning duties " Harry said in a shaky voice .

" Oh Harry , it's OK , you know I'm not going to hurt you , come here" Harry walked over to his aunt , as she gave him a warm hug .

" I'm so sorry , I didn't mean to ...break up ... last night" Harry said in between crying .

" SHHH it's ok , I know what happened , how are you feeling , something hurts a lot ? I can give you some children's paracetamol , maybe it will help .?

" I just want to warm up and get out of these clothes ."

"Oh God, silly me, you must be freezing. Come on , I'm going to give you a bath upstairs "

"NO! Monsters like me are not allowed to bathe!"

" Harry we are alone , you know I have to pretend so that ...Vernon doesn't hit you or hit us a lot , I just want to protect you , you know you have to try to listen to him anyway you can , you know what I mean ?

" Yes , I feel sorry for you face "

" Oh Harry , it's not your fault , come on ... Let's go bathe you"

It broke petunia's heart to see how the little boy's little hand barely meant anything for his size , the boy was just a baby who deserved love and kisses , not cooking and being treated like a dog . They got to the bathroom and Petunia had some of Duddley's old clothes that she had adjusted a little to Harry's size. As she undressed him and placed him in the tub of hot water , she saw the extreme thinness and the various bruises already forming on the little body . Someday Vernon would pay for this , it was his nephew .

As she finally combed Harry's hair and put some pain cream on his wrists , suddenly Harry began to have a coughing fit that seemed to have no end . Petunia left the cream on the bathroom counter and quickly took Harry out of the bathroom and went downstairs leaving him seated on the kitchen cabinet .

"Come on Harry, this isn't funny." Harry could only open his eyes in terror and clenched his fist in his chest taking the old shirt . Harry just started crying and shaking his head denying the fact that he was faking it .

" Harry , just breathe , just breathe , I'm here" Petunia said trying to hide her growing fear and rubbing the boy's back . Actually since breakfast she had noticed that the boy's breathing sounded terrible , maybe it had BEEN from being out all crazy night getting cold and rain .

" Aun...tie , cant ...brea...the..."

" Shhh , yes you can dear, Im here "

The coughing fit Harry was having seemed to have no end and the only thing petunia had in mind was to take a cloth and dip it in warm water to put in Harry's mouth , sometimes it worked when Duddley had the flu . Gradually Harry's cough subsided and he was able to take small gulps of air. Petunia watched as the bluish color of the boy's face disappeared and turned to a pale white , he didn't look any better but at least he could breathe .

" I'm so sorry ...aunt petunia ... 't.."

" It's ok Harry , it's all right . Go get some sleep , I'll finish the other things , get some rest "

" Thank you ..much ...aunt "

" Come on ..."

Harry opened his wardrobe door and curled up on his small mattress that was laid on the floor and could only cover himself with his thin blanket that he had had since forever , he cried until sleep . He knew his uncle hated sick freaks

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