Unknown territory

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Severus and Harry walked at a slow pace as they walked through the long corridors of Hogwarts that summed up a lot of tranquility and silence , it was beautiful to contemplate the school in this way.

"Professor Snape can we...stop for a second?."  Said Harry as he increased the oxygen value received a little.
"What is it...Ha...rry are you feeling sick? Are you alright? Are you in any pain?"  Snape said as he approached the boy.
Harry just smiled slightly at him and sat down on a wooden bench that was in the hallway , as he tried to take a deep breath .
"I just need to get some air , professor and I'll be fine....sorry."
"No , Please ... Next time just ask a little earlier and not when you're on the verge of a n attack  . You have to talk to me." he commented as he rubbed Harry's back.
"I'm sorry."
"Wait , enough of saying sorry so many times . You haven't committed any crime , okey?"
"Yes sir , I'm sorry..oh...I'm sorry."
"Yah , stop . Are you okay? I can slow down if you wish , we just go down these stairs and we'll be in my private quarters."
"Yes sir."


At a slow pace they set off again on their way to Severus Snape's private rooms . He was really trying to be between being a bloody wretch to his son and trying with all his inner strength not to throw himself in front of the boy and tell him that he was his son and that he loved him dearly. He would have to tell him sooner or later anyway .
Severus opened the door.

" Wow professor this is...beautiful" .

In front of Harry , a mahogany colored door opened and before his eyes spread a really bright and warm looking room , quite the opposite of what he expected ( something dark , cold and musty?) . It was a fairly large room almost like the potions room or more , painted in a light cream color with wooden bookshelves and really fluffy but elegant colored armchairs and with a fireplace crackling warmly on one side in front of the sofas .

There was a door to the left side of the main entrance leading to a small but well appointed kitchen and two staircases just off the kitchen, one going up and one going down.

"Do you like it ?"
"It's very cozy, professor!
"Well, come on in. This is the living room and ..there is the dining room . To my left is the kitchen ..it's small , but I don't usually cook , the elf bring in food ."
" Don't worry professor , I can cook if you want ..I mean , in payment for having me here .
" What ? No ! I don't want you to do anything like that , it is true that I will tell you what activities you can collaborate in or not , but cooking will not be one of them ."
" But Professor Snape , they always said I had to earn my plate of food and I.."
" No ! We are not going to discuss that now ."
" All right , professor ."
" Here to my left are the stairs . Downwards , they lead to my private potions room .You cant  go down there , it is strictly forbidden.
" Yes sir ."  Harry looked fearfully towards the dark fate that possibly awaited him if he decided to violate that order , maybe snape would starve him ,beat him or tie him up ...who knows .

" ...And there , up there are the rooms . Here on the second floor is a bathroom , and  three more rooms . Here you have a  study which is mine and you can enter with my permission , your study so you can put all your school supplies in there and have a proper study space , and another where you can put your other non-academic belongings ."

Severus had thought that given the closet where the boy lived , maybe he didn't have a playroom because ...for God's sake he was only 12 little years old , he was his baby and he was going to give him anything he wanted ( even a better broom ) .

"Professor and ...where is the wardrobe..."
" What do you want a wardrobe  for . These are in the bedrooms , to keep clothes in ."
" No , I mean ...where I go to sleep . As a matter of fact ...I find the study and the other room a bit excessive , I think I could perfectly well accommodate myself in some smaller room ."
"I would never ...what? Harry! I would never , listen to me well , I would never put you in a closet again , not even animals deserve that , you are a child and not vermin . Now , I will be the one to decide what is or is not an excess or what you do or do not deserve ."
"Professor I think..."
" Shhh , you deserve a room , which is already prepared and is upstairs . You deserve a room for you to study and you deserve another room for some extra things."
"But prof..."
" Nothing . That's right . Now follow me , I'll show you your room , I hope it's to your liking ."

The heart under the dark robesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon