I will never get to heaven

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" My Lord "

"Well, as you promised Bellatrix, Severus has been of great help in finding this dirty blood who was getting in my way "

" Severus...if you will allow me , I will proceed to end his life "

"As you wish " Severus stood from his original place next to the girl and proceeded to join along with the group of death eaters who watched from a safe distance so as not to disturb the Dark Lord. There stood Bellatrix, giving him a disappointed look. Did she really think it was going to be that easy?

Voldemort placed his bare foot next to the fake Lily's face, just to see her face, in fact Voldemort smiled, he finally had the chance to do this, he had been waiting for months!


Severus could only watch as the girl's body left this world and lay limp before death. Dissimilarly he turned his gaze to try to forget such an event. He had thought well, he would not have endured such a situation if it had been his Lily. The death eaters left the place after the Dark Lord.

"Sentimental Severus? Did you have feelings for the dirty blood?"

"Not for a second."

"I keep promises Severus ... here's your letter, I haven't made any copies , do what you want with it."

"Incendio!" he whispered as the letter disappeared from his hands .

She makes me sail, in the sea of her eyes

And I just want to anchor between her red lips

I just want to shipwreck, near her smile

She's my port and my sea, my sailboat and my breeze.

Months Later - Godric's Hollow :

It was midnight when James heard noises coming from the bathroom, he slowly picked up his wand from under his pillow and walked into the dim light of the hallway.

"Lily?..is that you?"

"Don't come in...don't come in James."

"Merlin! You scared me, I thought someone had come in."

"No... I'm just sick."

"Sick? Sick how? Do you want a potion? "

"NO! I can't...it's okay just...it'll pass."

"It's okay, it's okay, I was just suggesting it."

Lily knew that this was not a "stomach flu", it was a pregnancy. She had already cast out several spells and they had all come back positive. Even her sister Petunia had made her urinate in a muggle test, which had also come out positive and all of the above plus the absence of her period she knew what it meant. Petunia was happy and sad at the same time ( she really hated Potter so arrogant, horrendous ) , her sister was going to have a baby but at the same time she was worried, she knew the current situation of the magical world and it was definitely not looking good. Petunia had mentioned to her that she didn't like James Potter at all, the boy looked selfish too much for her taste.

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