Chapter 65

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Chase POV
I was pin down on my back by Morris, I could still feel the bruises and scratch on me, they started to heal but slowly. I could see Marshall being pin down by the other wolves.

Morris: "Haha told ya, you will never win now just die"

Morris then held my head up and was about to bite my neck, I struggles to stop him, I could hear Marshall as well but we both failed.

Marshall: "CHASE NO!"

Chase: "Damn It!"


Morris was sent flying off again and tumble past everyone and hit a house nearby. The house then grumble on top of Morris. We don't know if that kill him or not. We all turn to this big furry creature standing next to me. I'm guessing he's the one who stop Morris.

??????: "Get Off Of Them"

The wolves around Marshall all whimper and got off away Marshall. Then the wolves got off on the others as well, the pups and Ryder regroup with me and Marshall. Then me and Marshall wounds started to heal. We all then turn to the creature. It was big but the mouth was small, the fur was was brown and white,and the ears was more different shape it was pointed down and his tail it was tiny like he doesn't have one. But his eyes his eyes is what caught our attention it was orange. Then the creature step forward as I got up. I was taller then him even Marshall too, then the creature smiled to us. Why is he smiling at us?, and why did he help us, and why does he look familiar.

Skye: "Oh my god"

We all look at Skye wondering why is she shock, we then see her run to the creature and hug his arm. I was questioning why but also getting jealous too. I then see Skye crying. What is going on why is she crying for this-. I got a better look at the creature the more I look at him he really does look familiar. He hug Skye back gently and wipe her tears off of her. Then they both stop hugging and Skye was happy for some reason.

Skye: "H-How are you alive Rubble?"


Everyone: "RUBBLE?!!!"

Rubble: "Yeah it's me"

Chase: "Is it-is it really you?"

Rubble: "Yeah Chase it is"

Zuma: "D-Dude your arm it grew back?"

Rubble: "Yup thanks to the self healing ability of this wolf power"

We all then heard footsteps coming to us, it was sort of miss up though. We all turn to see Morris limping his way to us.

Morris: "How?, I inject you with my poison bite, you should have died"

Rubble: "I did died your poison did work Morris but Marshall and Chase suck out the poison, then I was brought back to life thanks to the legend wolf power

Morris: "Grrr you two mutt head gave the legend wolf power to this this bulldog!"

Rubble: "Hehe actually Morris it was you"

Morris: "What?!"

Rubble: "Chase and Marshall just removed the poison, your poison bite without the poison is just a bite, a good bite to give me the legend wolf power"

Morris: "No No NO that's not possible"

Rubble: "Oho it is Morris and may I say thank you because now my arm grew back"


Wolf: "B-But sir there are three legend wolves we can't take them on"

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