Chapter 61

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Ryder POV
After killing some wolves for a while Skye told me she couldn't find any more wolves. That when I got a called from Rocky and Marshall from my pup pad. I answer it.

Ryder: "Hey guys we can't find anymore wolves on our end how about you?"

Rocky: "Nope our area is cleared"

Marshall: "Same with us"

Ryder: "Great onto the second step finding Morris he's most likely at town hall we meet up near there"

Marshall: "Copy that"

Rocky: "Over and out"

They hang up then me and Skye started heading our way to town hall. We hide behind a tree to see wolves all around town hall. Then the others managed to regroup with us.

Jane: "He's probably inside"

Zuma: "But what will he do inside there, he's a wild animal he's not gonna do taxes"

Rocky: "Maybe he's keeping the Mayor hostage"

Ryder: "Maybe others as well I could hear people from the inside"

?????: "Help Us!"

????: "We're gonna die!"

Marshall: "No time to lose we have to sneak our way in"

Skye: "How are we gonna do that?"

Everest: "Mhmm oh I know"

We all look at Everest as she brought out car keys with a button. We all look at her with confused looks wondering what is her plan.

Zuma: "Car keys?, are we gonna crash in there or something?"

Everest: "No I found them on my way over here now watch"

Everest click the button and in the distance we can hear a car beeping loud. The wolves also hear this and started heading towards the sound. Seconds later all the wolves were gone.

Skye: "Great Job Everest"

Marshall: "Mhmm very smart of you"

Everest: (Blush) "T-Thanks"

Ryder: "Now let's head inside"

We all then went inside the front door, we slowly look inside to see no other wolves in sight. We crept slowly in the hall ways seeing blood splattered on the walls and floor. We then manage to sneak near a room with open doors. We all took a peek inside to see the alpha and some wolves with people in a huge cage.

Katie: "Why you keeping us alive?"

Morris: "Simple really to lure those mutts you called the Paw Patrol here"

Alex: "Grandpa I'm scared"

Porter: "It's ok Alex everything will be fine"

Goodway: "You know the Paw Patrol will stop you Morris they always manage to find a solution"

Morris: "Hehe sure whatever you sure put so much trust in them"

Goodway: "Of course I do they are our hero's and save everyone"

Wolves: "Hehehe"

Morris: "Haha you think they saved everyone?, Ha they couldn't even saved their friend bulldog"

Katie: "What do you mean bulldog, you mean Rubble what did you do to him?"

Morris: "I'll make it simple really he is dead"

Humans: (GASP)

Alex: "WHAT!?"

Morris: "That's right he's dead by me I poison that little mutt and now he is dead"

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