Chapter 38

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Rocky POV
As the girls went to the other side of the room I could see them talking but I couldn't hear it. Maybe that's the point of girl talk it's for only girls to talk.

Zuma: "I can't hear them talk dudes"

Rocky: "Uh that's the point Zuma it's a girls talk are you a girl?"

Zuma: "If you take me out for dinner first then I'll tell you"

Rocky: "Oh gross Zuma"

Rubble: "Hahaha ah I miss Zuma jokes"

Zuma: "Yeah dude I'm just kidding around but seriously Wubble do you loved Jane?"

Rubble: "M-Maybe I don't know I get this feeling around her sometimes"

Rocky: "Is it a bad feeling?"

Rubble: "No it feels nice and warm like fresh pie coming out of the oven"

Rocky: "Did you seriously compare love with food?"

Rubble: "I've been eating nothing but fish this path few months Rocky give me a break"

Marshall: "Aren't you to young to experience love Rubble?"

Rubble: "What?"

Chase: "Yeah love is a big deal to face you know  love can make you do stupid things"

Rubble: "Is that why you do everything for Sk-"

Chase then covered Rubble mouth making him not finish his sentence. I don't know what Rubble was going to say but it sound like he was gonna say Skye.

Chase: "EW Gross"

Chase remove his paw from Rubble mouth and his paw has some of Rubble saliva. I could see Rubble tongue sticking out too. I see him smile at Chase while Chase shake the saliva off his paw.

Chase: "Still disgusting huh Rubble"

Rubble: "Still with your big mouth huh Chase"

Chase: "Hey I don't have a big mouth, my mouth is normal"

Marshall: "Yeah but your big head still noticeable"

Chase: "Why you"

Chase then playfully tackle Marshall and they both started wrestling while the rest of us laugh. Rubble then come in trying to stop those two.

Rubble: "Ok ok enough before you guys break something in here"

Chase: "The only thing breaking is the fun Rubble"

Marshall: "Yeah loosen up Rubble"

Rubble: "Says the one who wet just about everyone and the one who always says sir to Ryder"

Chase: "Ryder is a leader and a leader always go by sir or ma'am"

Marshall: "And I get you guys wet on accident I did say sorry"

Rubble: (sigh) "You guys are still just a bunch of big heads"

Marshall/Chase: "Hey"

Marshall and Chase then playfully tackle Rubble and all three of them wrestle. May I say it was nice seeing them play together again like the good times. Me and Zuma just watch and laugh.

Skye POV
I look over to the boys and see Marshall,Chase and Rubble playfully wrestling each other. It was good seeing Rubble play again especially with Marshall and Chase.

Jane: "Is your boys always this rough?"

Everest: "Yes but it's fun to have them"

Jane: "Yeah Rubble was great to hang out with"

Everest: "I want to know from you personally what you think about Rubble?"

Jane: "He has a big appetite may I say but he's fun to have around, I don't have any friends until he showed up, he's my first friend and he showed me cool things like cooking fish mhmmm that was so delicious"

Skye: "So Rubble was your first friend huh do you think we can also be friends?"

Jane: "I'm not sure I never had any female friends before"

Everest: "Well it's great to have some because we get to have chats like this without any boys you know saying or doing something stupid"

Skye: "Yeah and besides there are no limits to have many friends"

Jane: "Your right, Rubble did said it's good to have friends, he did make a good choice having you guys as friends"

Everest: "Yeah we are just friends to Rubble"

Skye: "Yes nothing else"

Jane: "Thank goodness"

Skye: "Why you thought that we were not Rubble friends?"

Jane: "Well yeah I mean he made two girls his friend already I thought he found one of you more then a friend"

Skye: "Oh he did one time for me but I showed him I didn't feel the same, he was heartbroken but he moved on we still became friends"

Jane: "Wow he loved you and you reject him and still became friends, damn I would have find that quite awkward"

Everest: "Well yeah at first but with time you'll realize being friends with them is better then being alone"

Jane: "Yeah I see that, makes sense on why Rubble have great friends"

We all shared a nice smile together but then Jane look mad when she look at Chase and Marshall.

Jane: "But I still don't think Rubble should be brother with the werewolves"

Skye: "You mean Chase and Marshall?"

Everest: "Their really not bad once you get to know them"

Jane: "Doesn't matter they are bad they could hurt and kill someone"

Skye: "They would never kill a thing"

Jane: "They killed a deer and nearly Rubble if they try to kill someone else that's when they cross the line"

Skye: "They won't"

Jane: "How do you know?"

Skye: "You think these past mouth we weren't helping them, we believe that they have killed Rubble but we still help them, they really regret it you know for months they kept blaming themselves, for months we help them with their hungry and strength, heck the first time they turn beast Chase try to eat me but he step back"

Jane: "He didn't hurt you?"

Skye: "No he didn't because that not the Chase I know he'll never hurt me"

Everest: "Marshall too he always makes me smile no matter how things go bad"

Jane: "But aren't you guys putting to much trust in them what if that trust ending up being the one you mostly regret"

Everest: "Was trusting Rubble one you regret?"

Jane: "N-No"

Skye: "Was letting him help you was a regret?"

Jane: "No"

Everest: "Is loving him a regret?"

Jane: "NO"

That was loud enough that the boys look over to us. Rubble got up first looking worried at Jane and she blushed.

Skye: "N-Nothing wrong over here we were just discussing what thing would you rather eat"

The boys shrugged it off and continue their fun. While we look at Jane embarrassed a bit.

Jane: "You trick me"

Skye: "Hey you fall for it, but relax we are not gonna tell Rubble you love him that's your job to do"

Jane: "What no way he doesn't love me like that"

Everest: "How do you know?"

Jane: "I just don't think he'll love a girl like me"

Everest: "Says who the universe, you can't let anything or anyone stop you from finding loved"

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