Chapter 62

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Skye POV
Even though they are mad at us and may never ever trust us again we still need to get them out of here fast. It's still to dangerous right now we need to get out before the wolves come back. Ryder then look back up.

Ryder: "Look I know this is a lot to take in but we need to leave now"

Katie: "How can we trust you after everything"

Skye: "It's because we came back no matter how dangerous it is, no matter if we have to kill many wolves to get here and no matter if we die, we will still keep you guys safe and help you escape, now let's go!"

Alex: "Geez never heard Skye yelled like that"

Rocky: "It's just we been through a lot too Alex we also cared about Rubble"

Alex: "Mmm"

Ryder: "Ok let's escape through the back door, there might be less wolves out there"

Ryder lead the way while everyone else follow, we exited the room and started sneaking through some hallways. We had to hide more low cause the windows and we could see some wolves out there still searching for us. We then finally made it to the back door. Ryder slowly open and pop out his head, he then turn back to us.

Ryder: "It's a clear"

Ryder then open the door and we all sneak outside still looking around. I then noticed a bus on the road with the doors open. I tap Ryder and pointed him to the bus.

Ryder: "Great idea we should go to the bus"

Goodway: "Why would that be a good idea?"

Ryder: "Because it can fit everyone and it's strong enough to at least hold against some wolves"

Katie: "At least?, how strong are these wolves?"

Zuma: "You do not want to find out dude"

Ryder was the first to head to the bus, he sneak to the bus while looking around. He check inside the bus and the area. He then show us his hand telling us to come in. We all then quickly sneak to Ryder and onto the bus. Ryder makes sure everyone is inside before he goes in. Ryder then came in and sat in the driver sit. He then check for keys around him and found it beneath the sit. But before he could put the key in, I heard quickly footsteps coming to us. Then in a snap a wolf appear at the bus door, everyone freak out of course.

Wolf: "Grrrr I found you"

Ryder: "Aw crap"

Wolf: "You will die"

Ryder then put the key into the key hole and try starting the bus. It wouldn't start but Ryder kept trying.

Wolf: "Hehe can't start it, now you die"

The wolf was about to leap onto Ryder until a arrow was shot quickly at the wolf heads. The wolf struggles to stay balance but then tumble back off the bus. We look out the window to see the wolf bleeding outside then died. Alex nearly thrown up but Mr Porter kept his mouth shut. We all look back in the bus to see Jane with her crossbow.

Jane: "Start the bus Ryder I'm pretty sure they know we're here now"

Ryder: "Come on come on"

The engine then started and the bus door finally be able to close.

Ryder: "Yes, Rocky I need you to board up the windows and the door use the sits and any other part in this bus if can"

Rocky: "You got it Ryder"

Rocky then bark out his saw and started cutting up the sit's. Then he brought out his tools and started board up the windows and doors. Thanks to his quick building skills he managed it less then seven minutes plus help from everyone. There weren't any more sit for us but the windows and doors are really board up with metal parts.

Rocky: "Everything is all set Ryder"

Wolf: "There they are!"

We all heard a wolf shouted, we all take a peek out the little holes through the board windows to see many wolves coming.

Skye: "Ryder lets go!"

Ryder then quickly started driving and we almost fell. We were then driving pass town hall while many wolves were chasing us. Some of them managed to catch up and started attack the bus. Then some wolves managed to get on top of the bus. Then one of them scratch a whole in the roof and poke in it's head.

Wolf: "Hello idiots it's time to die"

Jane: "Yeah I could say the same thing"

Jane then shot the wolf head with her arrows and the wolf died. Rocky bark out his saw again and made the hole on the bigger. Also killed some wolves on the way. The pups and I all climb the roof and got our weapons out. I didn't have my new gear on my Jane gave me an extra auto crossbow launcher to my flight gear. I activated my wings and started flying around the bus shooting wolves with my crossbow. While the others also use their weapons to knock off some wolves and kill then. Marshall use his wolf strength to knock the wolves off. Rocky and Zuma stood at the back end of the bus roof. Zuma shoot some powerful water blast while Rocky shoot some taser shots at the wolves chasing us.

Alex: "Woah"

Katie: "I think we might make it out alive"

We continue this for a couple of minutes and it was going good until suddenly the wolves stop chasing us. We were confused but decide to regroup inside the bus.

Skye: "They stop chasing us"

Alex: "Maybe their tired"

Porter: "Oh thank goodness"

Ryder: "No something is up"

Before we all know the bus suddenly was push on the right side with great force. Then the bus then tumble around while the rest of us banging around inside. Then we slowly stop tumbling and now the bus was on its side. I look around to see if anyone is hurt but everyone is fine. We all then managed to get out of the bus through the hole of the roof which is on the side now. We too a good look around to see we are on the field which is near the running track. We could just run ahead we could possibly escape. But before any of us could speak something land on top of the bus scaring us and makes us all fell down. We all got up to see a huge wolf standing on top of the bus.

Morris: "Found you"

Skye: "Oh Shit"

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