Chapter 63

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Skye POV
Crap he found us, what do we do?, do we attack him do we try and run for it. I look at the others who doesn't know what to do. Jane looks like she ready to attack Morris. But by the chance we have now I doubt we will win. Then in the distance I could see the wolves coming to us. Shit once their here we'll all be dead for sure. Morris jump of the bus and in front of us nearly shaking the ground. Jane charge to him but got knock back by Morris with his paw. Zuma caught Jane then Marshall transform into his wolf form. He surprised Morris for a bit he and Marshall are nearly the same size then Marshall charge to him with great speed. The two then fight with many scratches and bites. Marshall then look at us while he was holding Morris down for a bit.

Marshall: "Run I'll hold him off for a bit"

Everest: "No Marshall"

Skye: "I'm sorry Everest but we had to go"

I push Everest while everyone started running away from Morris and Marshall. We ran fast in one direction possibly to no where but then I turn around, I saw Morris running to us. He was about to jump on us until he got tackled in the air by Marshall they both tumble a few feet away from us. Then they continue to fight each leaving so many scratch marks on each other but mostly on Marshall. Marshall hasn't have that much experience fighting like Chase did. If he was here he could defeat Morris.

Morris: "Grrr you know you can't win against me"

Marshall: "I know but I could hold you off"

They continue to fight while we ran but no matter how many time we ran Morris always managed to catch up with us. Then in a distance we could see some trees that lead up to Jakes Mountain. This could be our chance to lose Morris. We may leave Marshall behind but we will get a chance to plan ahead and get Katie guys safe. We were close to entering the trees but then wolves start walking out of them. Everyone stop in their tracks all shock and surprise. Then we quickly turn around and ran back, that's when Morris and Marshall tumble right over all of us. We didn't have time to think just ran, ran and ran. We couldn't stop to think not until stop and look up to see we are back at the crash bus. Before we could even talk Marshall past us so fast crash against the bus. Marshall then fell to the ground all tired and injured. He started to heal but he needs more time. Then we turn to see Morris then see many wolves running around us against the bus. We were surrounded.

Morris: "Blegh you fight good but not good enough"

Marshall: "D-Damn it"

Alex: "Is this the end?"

Zuma: "Don't worry little dude we'll protect you"

Rocky: "Yeah no matter what"

Everest: "We're not going down without a fight"

Jane: "If we are will take some of them with us"

Morris: "Brave talk for the ones who is going to die"

We all then brought out our weapon including Ryder while the rest stand behind us. Marshall then manage to get up still injured and stand next to us.

Wolf: "Hehe kill us Ha will kill you before you could even beg for your life"

Wolf: "Yeah will kill ya"

Jane then try shoot an arrow at them but they all dodge it. The arrow they flew past every wolf disappearing.

Jane: "Shit they gotten quicker"

Morris: "Haha that right you damn mutt now you will-"


Morris: "AHHHHHHH"

It happen so fast Morris was stab on the back by someone. But we couldn't make out who not until Morris try shake it off it's back. The wolves all moved away from the alpha afraid of behind crush by him.

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