Chapter 49

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Jane POV
It was the next day and everyone included me got up very early. It was 9 in the morning and we all got into our gear so we can have some practice. We don't know how strong the alpha is but we do know it's going to be tough. I can see the pups and Ryder each testing their new gears and weapon. But Chase and Marshall both tested their wolf strength speed and transformation. I walk over to Rubble to see him out his new shovel weapon. Instead of digging he can use it to cut, slice and also grab something and throw it.

Jane: "Hey Rubble how's your gear going?"

Rubble: "Oh hey Jane it's going great these weapons and gears are very cool and I can't wait to try them all"

Jane: "Well don't get use to them to well because once we kill the alpha"

Rubble: "We won't be needing them anymore I know I know it's just things are really moving fast now"

Jane: "What you mean?"

I sat next to him while he just look at his gear then back to me.

Rubble: "Well I'm might not see you again after this is over"

Jane: "Oh yeah (lied) I never thought about that"

Rubble: "Your amazing pup Jane and I don't ever want to leave you"

My heart pounded a bit and I blush a little but I block those feelings off because I remember what Chase said. Rubble needs to return home I kept him here for to long, away from his friends and family.

Jane: "Your amazing too Rubble but it's time for you to go home"

Rubble: "Are you gonna move out of the cabin?"

Jane: "Once we kill the alpha (lied) I can finally be free from this nightmare and move on with my life, heck maybe this cabin could really be my home"

It's hurts me to lie to him again this time I think he bought my acting. He must really care about me but I don't want to hold him back anymore he needs to return home. I'll be honest with myself Rubble you help me more then you think.

Rubble: "I guess that's your choice but are you gonna be ok, how can I know your alright"

Jane: "I'll be fine Rubble I handle myself alone before I can do it again"

Rubble: "That's thing I don't want you to be lonely again"

What does he mean lonely and again does he think I can't handle myself?.

Jane: "Lonely? Again? what you mean by that?"

Rubble: "I-I mean that I hate to see you by yourself with no one there with you"

Jane: "Why is that?"

Rubble: "I-It's just I'm worried you'll do things you will regret again"

Jane: "Are you saying I'll make stupid decisions?, and what you mean by again did I already make a stupid decision?"

Rubble: "That's not what I'm saying Jane stop thinking that way"

I was getting mad at him, never thought Rubble will think that way of me.

Jane: "Well just so you know I make good decisions Rubble and so far they have never failed me"

Rubble then look at me anger and a mean grin.

Rubble: "The only reasons things went good so far was because of we work together , I help you with nearly everything"

Jane: "Help me? the only thing you did was distracting me from serious work"

Rubble: "Not everything have to be serious Jane, you can't live a life without being happy"

Jane: "Well my serious life is what makes me happy Rubble, you can't see it"

Rubble: "It doesn't Jane I saw it in your face, the entire time I was here I saw you were in pain, I felt bad for you and wanted to help you"

Jane: "You can help by mining your damn business I didn't kept you to be my friend"

Rubble: "Hey I'm trying my best to help you Jane be grateful"

Jane: "I'm grateful your not on team A because you would have miss up if we did find the alpha"

Rubble: "Why is that you think I couldn't kill it?"

Jane: "No I know you can't Rubble your too nice to do it"

Rubble: "Your to stubborn to see how good I can be"

Jane: "How dare you call me stubborn when this is over you can go back to your dumb town with your terrible friend"

Rubble: "Fine maybe I will maybe you can go back to oh wait you don't have anyone to go to the only place you can go to is this crummy cabin"

Jane: "You bastard"

I punch him in the face out of pure anger my father made this cabin a good home for me, then soon he punch me back with his normal arm. Soon we were both fighting each other, I could hear voices around telling us to stop but we didn't. Then we were both pull away from each other. I was pulled by Ryder while Rubble was pulled away from Skye and Everest. The others was watching in shock and worried looks.

Ryder: "What's gotten into you two?"

Skye: "Yeah why are you guys fighting?"

Jane: "Because he such a dumb ass"

Rubble: "Because she's a stuck up bitch"

Jane: "I'm gonna rip your tongue out for saying that"

Rubble: "I like to see you try"

Me and him both try to charge at each other but was held back again.

Everest: "Stop it this isn't right you guys, you two were good partners"

Jane: "I can't believe I thought you were a good pup Rubble"

Rubble: "I can't believe I thought you can change"

Jane: "Whatever I'll be inside"

I shook Ryder arm off of me and I walk to the door of my cabin with anger. Before I enter I look back at Rubble only for him to turn away. I look at the door and nearly shed a tear out. I can't believe I fall in love with a jerk.

Rubble POV
I heard the door open and shut, I look back to see Jane inside. I tried hold in my tears as hard as I could, try not to show weakness, I'm not weak, I have grown up which mean I can't cry so why do I feel like it Stop crying. I managed to hold back my tears.

Skye: "Rubble you ok?"

Rubble: "I'm fine just need some ice got hit hard"

I walk away from Skye and the rest but headed to Marshall and Chase.

Rubble: "Hey Marshall can you do a check up on me"

Marshall: "Sure Rubble I will"

Rubble: "And Chase you were right, I wasn't ready for love, I feel so stupid falling in love with her"

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