Chapter 16

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No Ones POV
As everyone got ready they all took a deep breath in a dive down. They all starred at each other seeing who would swam back up. Minutes later Skye couldn't handle it and swam up next minute Everest swam up less then a second Rocky swam up. It was down to Chase, Marshall and Zuma.

Chase POV
Hmm this is to easy I don't even feel like needing air. Feel like I could last longer down here. I look back Marshall he seems very calm then I look at Zuma who seems to be struggling to hold his breath. Couple seconds later he swam up. I could see him hitting the water from below guess he hate losing especially to a thing he's good at.

Now it just me and Marshall we starred at each having game faces. I lean back and relax like I was in chair trying to show him I can last long. Then I see him pretending to read a book and he pretend to turn a page. I then pretend I was making tea and take a sip out of it. We kept pretending to do things over and over. Until I look up to see Skye with a worried look. I didn't waste time and swam up. I wipe my face down and still see Skye with a worry look.

Chase: "Skye what's wrong?"

Marshall then splash up and already doing a little dance.

Marshall: "Wahoo I won again oh yeah oh yeah"

Chase: "You only win because I saw Skye she had a worried look on her face"

Skye: "Do you two even realize how long you were down there?"

Chase: "Mmm few minutes I was distracted because me and Marshall were pretending to do things underwater"

Marshall: "We did a lot to be honest and fun too"

Skye: "Chase Marshall you guys were down there for more then fifth-teen minutes"

Chase: "What no way it felt like at least five minutes"

Rocky: "Well it was definitely not"

Everest: "It's true we kept count ever since Zuma got up"

Zuma: "Dudes even I can't hold my breath that long how do you two be able to hold your breath for fifth-minutes"

Marshall: "I don't know really I guess we're naturals at this"

Chase: "Y-Yeah I'm mean to do train myself especially my lungs"

Zuma: "Of course you train a lot"

Rocky: "He is good at mostly everything"

Everest: "I'm still surprise you guys can hold your breath that long"

Skye: "It's doesn't seem right though"

Chase: "Skye we are fine look we are ok and healthy"

Skye: "Mmm ok we should head back to camp the sun is about to set"

Chase: "Ok let's go pups"

As we got out of water we see Rubble waiting then we al head back to camp. Once we were there Ryder was sitting by the fire looking upset. We all look at each other wondering why so we went to him.

Chase: "Ryder sir is everything alright you look upset about something"

Ryder: "I got some news for you pups but let's eat dinner first"

As Ryder got up and got our dinner ready me and the pups had a worried feeling. We didn't know what to do so we just waited. We got in line and Ryder set up our bowls. He then pore food into our bowls and we all started eating. There wasn't much food in our bowls which got my attention. It was awkward silence during our dinner. No one has said a word and Ryder still look upset. Few minutes later we all finish our dinner and then Ryder told us to gather around the fire.

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