Chapter 27

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Chase POV
It's been another month and me and Marshall have gotten a strength and speed controlled. We were playing soccer with the pups normally now. It's was fun but during this time this past month I couldn't stop think when Skye kissed me. I felt the world stop the moment I felt her lips on my check.

Rocky: "Chase!"


A soccer ball came flying past me and hit the net. I was the goalie and my team was with Rocky and Everest and we are against Skye Marshall and Zuma. I was zoning out and got the other team a point.

Everest: "Ugh Chase you were zoning out again"

Chase: "Sorry guys I will focus this time"

Ryder: "Actually that's game team Skye win"

Marshall: "Yes"

Zuma: "Team Champion"

Skye: "Good game"

Rocky: "Wasn't really good cause Chase keep zoning out"

Everest: "Yeah why you kept zoning out"

Chase: "Um just thinking about something"

I rub my check the exact spot where Skye kissed me. Of course I didn't want to wash it but Ryder made me take a bath since we been sticking up.

Ryder: "Well it was a fair game anyway Marshall did miss up on blocking"

Marshall: "Hey"

Everest: "Even having great instinct and strength you still are clumsy Marshall"

Marshall: "Hehe yeah"

I see Marshall blush and I grin at him and then he look away annoyed at me, I chuckle a little.

Ryder: "Ok pups it's getting late we should head to bed"

I look up to see the sky getting dark, it was time for bed. We al went to our pup house, Everest was staying here for a bit so she brought her pup house. We convinced Jake to let her stayed we didn't told him about Rubble we just told him that she needs some training with her new gear which was a lie.

Ryder: "Goodnight pups"

Pups: "Goodnight"

I close my eyes and went to sleep, for these past months everything was going great for me Marshall the pups and Ryder. After everything things are brighten up.


Rubble: "Chase Marshall what you doing?"


Rubble: "Guys please stop your scaring me"

What going why can I hear Rubble everything was black until my vision came back. But it was sort of red everywhere. I see I look up and noticed I was in the forest again it was night. I look back down and see Rubble. I was surprised to see him, I try go to him and hugged him but I couldn't move. Instead I got low and growled.

Rubble: "Chase Marshall it's me Rubble"

I then look over to my right and see Marshall except he was a bit bigger and his fur was furious and little red his teeth was sharp and his eyes was red. I could see drool come out of his mouth with some blood. It must been from the deer. Oh my god this must be the night Rubble died. I look back at Rubble and moved forward. I try stopping but couldn't was force to move forward.

Rubble: "Guys please stop"

I try turning, backing up anything but I couldn't I could only watch. I then lunge forward and everything went black but then my vision came back but I was on top of Rubble and he was frightened and cried. I then bite his arm and could see blood coming out.


The scream I will never forget I try stop myself but I couldn't I was force to watch. My body biting Rubble arm. Then suddenly I was push off of him. I see Marshall he must have push was he trying to save Rubble. But then he went on top of Rubble.

Rubble: "Marshall please stop it's hurt"

I could hear the pain from Rubble voice his sounded so disparate. STOP STOP THIS PLEEEASE. I shouted but only in my head then I see Marshall bite Rubble arm where I bite him.


Rubble scream loud and it echo in my ear everything went black. I hope it was over but it wasn't my vision came back and I ran to them. I then bite Rubble on the neck while Marshall still holding Rubble arm with his mouth. I could see more blood coming out Rubble's right arm and blood on Marshall mouth.


I could hear Rubble beg and mercy but still continue to bite him on the neck. Then Rubble arm came completely off by Marshall head turn.


Rubble scream even louder then before I felt nothing but sadness. I could cry but I can't it wouldn't let me. WHY WHY WHYYY STOP STOP NOW STOOOP. I shouted but only can be heard in my mind. Rubble then punch my in the face which cause me to drop him but also rip his collar off of him. I could feel myself swallowing it and see Rubble limping away to a tree. His blood was spilling out of his arm slowly. I felt like puking my whole guts out but couldn't. I then look at Marshall who drop Rubble's arm on the ground and walk next to me. We both look at Rubble and growled loud, he was crying all out he was also holding his missing arm side.

Rubble: (sniff) (sniff) "please"

I could hear nothing but tears and crying from Rubble. I wanted everything to stop I wanted everything to end already. I then gotten down and ready to lunge forward with Marshall. This is it this is where Rubble's gonna die no stop I don't want to kill him. NO NO NOOOO STOPP.



I scream myself awake in my pup house before anything could happen I took deep breath. Thanking that's was over I then started tearing up again. That was no dream that was a vision of what happen to Rubble. We really killed him. We really rip his arm out he cried and cried he beg and ask for mercy but I couldn't stop myself. I started crying, crying and crying, I've killed my little brother. I've cried for what feels like an hour. Then I hear a sound outside. I wipe my tears and try my best to stop crying. I open the door and it was dark outside I could barely see anything because of my tears. I moved up a bit and try see what made that noise. Then in a distance I could see some figures looks like three. I could see two small ones and one big one. The two keep going to the big one back and forth. Looks like they fighting the big one. Surprise the less noise they make I could only hear some growling and some slashing.

Then I see the big one hit one of the small out of my sight. Then I see the small one lounge in on the big one and the big one fell to the ground. The small one looks like it pulls out some rope and started tying up the big one and putting in a big bag. I was about to get up but then a figure stood in front of me. I didn't move and I starred at the figure and the figure starred back at me. The figure was closer and I could pick out some details. The figure was a pup and the eyes are orange, the figure have a small tail and is small and short. Then I felt like a whole building fell on top of me all because I thought who it was.

Chase: "Rubble?"

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