Chapter 22

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Chase POV
I open my eyes to see nothing but blue all around me. Then I notice I wasn't touching the floor I was floating.

Chase: "Hello Skye Are You Ok?"

I don't care where I am I just want to know if Skye is ok. Last time I remembered I yelled at and attack her. I don't know if I ate her which scared me even more. But even I didn't she won't care about me anymore they saw what I did they will think I'm a monster. Maybe I am I should die then kill me now god.

"You can't die"

I heard a voice I looked around to see nothing, nothing but endless blue around me. I lowered my head.

Chase: "Why I attack my friends I probably killed my lover I'm a monster I should die"

"Chase you just feel that way"

Chase: "Of course I feel that way I turn into a savage beast and try killed my friends I deserve to die right now"

"You didn't have control, you need to have control over yourself trust me I know"

Chase: "You must be the wolf that bite me and turn me into this"

"Yes I am and my name is Arron"

Chase: "I don't give a fuck about your name you did this to me you turn me into a monster"

"You Are No Monster"

Chase: "Then what am I then a killing machine, a beast"

"You are a nice pup that's afraid"

Chase: "Afraid of hurting his friends?"

"Afraid of what his friends think, you think they won't accept you"

Chase: "Yeah because I'm a monster"

"Your not a monster Chase your a kind pup, you just need to show them that"

Chase: "Then what can I do to show I'm not monster then"

"Show your true inside's and don't let fear or the outside control what's on the inside"

I remain silent thinking what he said "show my true insides". I started thinking what could have happen if I told the truth in the first place. I started to tear up thinking Rubble could of been alive and maybe just maybe my friends will still accept me.

"Relax young pup you still have a bright future ahead"

Chase: (sniff) "How after everything I've done how can I have a bright future"

"Don't let fear take over your mind because fear is what makes the monster"

Suddenly everywhere started to glow bright bright like the sun. I covered my eyes and woke up. Everywhere was still blurry but then seconds later my vision came back to me. I was in a cage then I noticed I was in room with no windows, one door and just ceiling lights. The ground was cement and so was the walls and roof. I got up and noticed the cage have a bit walking space. I notice there was water and food bowl too. I also notice my fur was back to normal. I walk around and see Marshall awake and normal in another cage just like mines. I was excited to see him until I noticed he gave away from me looking all mad.

Chase: "Marshall?"

Marshall: "Don't talk to me you bastard"

Chase: "I'm sor-"

Marshall: "Just shut your mouth Chase I've should have not listen to you"

Chase: "Things may look bad now but maybe-"

Marshall: "There is no maybe anymore Chase we are most likely gonna die and our friends know we're monster heck I don't think they'll still be our friends anymore"

Chase: "Marshall you need to calm down"

Marshall: "Calm Down?"

Marshall got up and push his cage towards mines. He had a very furious face and looks ready to fight me.

Marshall: "My life is over Chase I can never be calm"

Chase: "But Marshall you know we still have that thing we can't control yet if you emotional you'll go out of control"

Marshall: "THEN KILL ME"

I was shock to hear that from him especially when he yelled it. The sweet clumsy dalmatian pup is now a angry sad poor dog. Even though I wanted to kill myself too it felt so different coming from him. We both remain silent I don't what to say because I feel like I'm gonna screw things up again. But there's this feeling I need to share it with him.

Chase: "I've...... I've feel like killing myself too you know"

Marshall remain silent and still not facing me.

Chase: "I get it your mad at me and you have all rights to be I won't stop you"

Marshall: "I just don't understand why we can't tell them in the first place if we did then-"


Marshall stood up shock from my yelling I took deep breath and calm down. Marshall then finally decided to face me.

Chase: "I know if we if I wasn't so fucking stupid then Rubble be alive with us I know ok I was afraid"

Marshall: "Afraid of what?"

Chase: "Afraid of losing my job, my home, my friends, my family, I would do anything for the Paw Patrol"

Marshall: "Your afraid of what the others think of you huh"

Chase: "Yes especially Skye I've always try my best to make her happy"

Marshall: "But what about you are you happy?"

Chase: "Ugh No I'm not I'm angry sad scared about myself and what's worse I brought you into this"

Marshall: "Yeah you did and you wouldn't listen to me that's not what a good leader is about"

Chase: "I'm no leader anymore I've lost a member of our pack"

I lay down in sadness knowing my decision leads to many failures. I started to tear up and whimper a little.

Marshall: "Look it's not all your fault"

Chase: "What you mean?"

Marshall: "If I stand up for once things could have gone different ways, if I wasn't a coward"

Chase: "Is that what you've been thinking about the whole time"

Marshall: "Yeah wish I have your confidence sometimes Chase that's what makes you great"

Chase: "What you mean you do you follow me through out everything"

Marshall: "Yeah I did"

Chase: "What's makes you share out feelings?"

Marshall: "Since you shared your feelings it made me want to share mines"

Chase: "Huh guess we're both scary cats of sharing our feelings hehe"

Marshall: "Yeah I guess meow"

Chase: "Hahahehe"

We both shared a nice laugh together it was nice and good. Then few minutes past we stop laughing and look at each other smiling next we heard and saw the door open. We both were waiting to see who comes out that door.

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