Chapter 64

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Marshall POV
He's back Chase is back, I knew it I knew he would never leave. I have to admit I did have my doubts of him coming back but it's a good thing I have hope. Chase then started walking to us, his wolf form did get a lot bigger too like mines. Before I could say anything else Skye ran to him and hug his arm. She hug him very tight and I could see some tears coming down her eyes.

Skye: "I'm so glad you here"

Chase: "You thought I wouldn't be?"

Skye: "Yes after everything I said to you I thought I was gonna lose you too Chase"

Chase: "Hey hey hey, no matter what happened no matter what I do no matter if you hate me or not I'll always be here for you Skye, from now on I'll be honest with you"

Skye: (Sniff) "I'm sorry for yelling at you"

Chase: "And I'm sorry for lying to you I shouldn't lie to the pup I love"

Skye: "Y-You love me?"

Chase: "Of course Skye you are the most beautiful pup I have ever seen"

Skye: "I-I love you too Chase"

Chase then got low enough for those two to hug each other. Chase try his best not crush Skye with his strength. He finally did he finally told Skye, man hope your seeing this Rubble I bet your proud of Chase I am. I then felt something around my arm I look to see Everest leaning on me. Dang I still haven't tell Everest how I feel yet. Damn Chase always ahead of me like always.

Zuma: "Finally my dude grow some balls"

Rocky: "I bet that's not the only thing that grew"

Ryder: "Pfffffft"

Chase and Skye immediately blush especially Chase and stop hugging. I thought about it then Everest look at me in shock. Next it hit me, I blush as well of the thought of my thing grow as well.

Zuma: "Oh your thinking about too Marshall?"

Marshall: "S-Shut Up Zuma"

Alex: "What are they talking about grandpa?"

Porter: "Oh you'll find that out when your older Alex pffbt"

Goodway: "So it was true you two are werewolves"

Chase: "I guess Ryder told you everything"

Goodway: "Indeed I'm going to have to talk with all of you when this is over"

Morris: "Gahhhh when this is over your all be dead"

Morris got up started charging to us, Chase turn and started charging to Morris. Then those two started a clash against each other.

Morris: "Your so gonna die"

Chase: "Big talk for someone who is weak"

Morris: "I'll show you weak"

Then those two started to fight each other while we all watch. Ryder then slowly tap me and pointed at the bus. He wanted me to turn the bus back up again, I slowly back up and lifted the bus gently while nobody noticed. But then as I push the bus back up it made a loud noise which caught everyone attention.

Morris: "Don't let them escape"

Then every wolves came charging to us.

Ryder: "Katie you and the others get on the bus and get out of here we'll hold them off"

Katie: "B-But Ryder"

Ryder: "Go!"

Katie was surprise of Ryder decision but still follower orders. She grab Coby and bring him inside the bus while the other humans did the same and grab Rose and Mary.

Coby: "Why you helping us?"

Katie: "Your not like that others and beside your good creatures, don't worry I know how to tend to your wounds"

Ryder: "Pups get inside with them I'll stay here and kill many wolves I can"

Zuma: "I'm going to have to disobey you this time Ryder"

Rocky: "Yup I'm going to stay too"

Ryder: "What?"

Everest: "We are a team after all"

Jane: "Beside it will be totally awkward for me riding with them"

Skye: "Also we wouldn't want to break Rubble's promise right?"

Ryder: "Right, Katie you get everyone out of here we'll take care of this"

Katie: "Don't die ok, come back alive so I can kill you for lying"

Ryder: "Hehe sure thing"

Katie then started the bus, luckily the bus was working right.

Wolf: "Your not getting away"

A wolf try jumping onto the bus but I quickly got the wolf and threw him away. Me and the others then started attacking the wolves before they could near the bus. As Katie drive the bus away while we hold the wolves off. The bus was gone from sight leaving just us and the wolves.

Wolf: "You do realize you have no escape from this right?"

Marshall: "Yeah we know but we could say the same for you"

We all then started fighting against wolves, I could see the rest doing fine so far. But I look over to Chase and Morris to still see them fighting but I could see some wolves sneaking up behind Chase.

Morris: "Don't think you'll win"

Chase: "Who knows it's a one and one after all"

Morris: "I wouldn't say that"

Chase turn around and see wolves then they jump onto to him nearly pinning him down. Morris was about to do a finishing blow but I quickly ran to him and headbutt him away from Chase. I then claw the wolves of Chase and he was able to stand again.

Chase: "Thanks"

Marshall: "We're brothers after all right brothers stick together"

Chase: "Yeah brothers"

Marshall: "And there is no way in hell I'm losing another one"

Morris: "Brothers peh I use to think the same way of the other two"

Chase: "Wait are you saying you and the other two legends wolves are brothers?"

Morris: "Yes we are but they always treat me like a baby, they made think I'm weak and not smart for to long they kept reminding me, I wanted to prove them wrong so I got my own pack and kill them, HAHA THEY CANT CALL ME WEAK IF THEIR DEAD"

This wolf is crazy but that made me think would that could have happen to Rubble. I remember well we treat him like a baby before. Would he turn out to be like Morris too if we keep treating him like that. I look over to Chase to see him thinking the same thing. I wouldn't say if this is a miracle or a coincidence but thank god we met Morris otherwise Rubble would have been like him. Even though Rubble is gone I'm glad he didn't turn out terrible like Morris.

Chase: "Guess Aaron knows that and regretted it, that's why he choice me so I don't make the same mistake"

Marshall: "Guess Ken did too, if they were here right now Morris they'll say sorry, they didn't mean to treat you that way they just cared about you"

Morris: "I don't give a fuck about them anymore, they remind me I'm weak but now they'll weak and that's why their dead, and now you both will die too"

Morris then charges to us, the same for the some wolves. Me and Chase split up, Chase take on Morris while I'll take on the wolves. I could hear grunt from Chase and Morris while I try my best to hold off these wolves. I managed to kill some but more keep showing up. I look over to the others to see their gears are nearly broken. Then before I know they were all pin down and the wolves started biting each of them.

Everyone: "AAHHHHHH"

Marshall: "NO!"

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