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2 years later...

I was in bed with Tyler when I woke up for work. I got out bed leaving Tyler completely naked under the blanket and asleep. I took a shower and came out to dress. I was about to leave for work when I went up to kiss Tyler bye. But Tyler pushed me back into bed and kept kissing me deeply. I was getting late for work but I didn't want to leave him like this. He came on top of me and started leaving little kisses on my cheek, on my chin, on my neck. Gradually coming down on my body. Shivers ran through my body, responding to Tyler's closeness.

"Stop Tyler, I will be late for work." But I didn't want him to stop.

"Let me make love to my wife." Another shiver ran through my body every time he says the wife.

It's just been a few weeks since we got married, and a week since we have returned from our honeymoon. Tyler has been great ever since we got together. He has the best sense of humour and loves me unconditionally.

"My dear husband, I promise I make it up to you when I get back from work, I have a meeting starting soon." I felt sad, leaving my husband in bed like this. He huffed but let me go. "You better get ready as well, or are you taking a day off today?" I teased. Tyler was a slacker. He loved being late to work because ever since he became the COO of the company, he doesn't care when he goes.

"I think I will go back to sleep for a bit." He covered his face in a blanket and I left the apartment.

I stayed with Jessica until Tyler and I were engaged. We bought our place near our work as it's easier. Jessica had a new roommate and a boyfriend. Nothing made me happier than knowing my friend found someone who loves her more than anything in the world.

Maya also decided to move to the city and look for a job. She is a sales manager in John Lewis and she is happier here than she was back in town. Dad was disheartened with both his daughters away from him and his home town business but he knew that one day we all have to move on.

Mia is officially a dentist and took over her family dentistry. She is yet to find her love. Ryan is engaged to Anna and finally sorted out their differences and misunderstandings. I am glad we all came to our senses before we broke more hearts.

I reached my work and Sean was waiting at the door for me. He urged me to the meeting room and told me to take over today instead. I was nervous as this was my first presentation and with no preparation. The meeting was one hour long and I sweated more than I ever sweat in a gym.

As the meeting was over, everybody applauded although there was no hard work in it. I took a long break and stayed in the bathroom. Suddenly I remembered the date and panicked. I knew what was happening to me. I rushed to the near chemist and bought a pregnancy kit. I was four days late and I felt more bloated than usual.

It was too early in our marriage for a baby. But, I am sure Tyler would be more thrilled. Oh God, I hope I am not. I am not ready for it.

I quickly ran back to my work building toilets. I stayed out from work for maybe more than an hour now but surprisingly no one came looking for me. Sweat was running down my neck while I waited for the results, I felt nauseous.

I forgot to breathe when I saw the results. I came out of the bathroom and took my seat at the back. I couldn't concentrate on my work so I went to Sean's office to ask him if I could leave. He didn't mind so I left straight for home. It's 11:30 so I know Tyler won't be home.

I threw my handbag on the sofa and went to the bedroom to change into my pyjamas. I opened my cupboard to take out a fresh set of pyjamas when I heard the bathroom door unlock.

Oh no, Tyler was still home. I wonder why he's working late. He will freak out by my unexpected stop.

"Sasha." I turned around to face him but I was unable to look him in the eye. "Babe, you're scaring me, are you alright?" I simply nodded, still unable to look him in the eye. He came closer and held my shoulders. "Then why are you home at this time and why u not looking at me?"

I looked up but I couldn't hide my emotions. Rather than saying anything to him, I went towards the living room to get my handbag. I took out the pregnancy test I took at work and handed it to him.

At first, he looked confused but he smiled when he saw the results on it. His smile told me everything.

"Are you serious?" He wanted my confirmation but that only made me angry.

"No, I snatched it off a random woman, " I rolled my eyes at him. "Of course I am serious."

He started at the test for a good minute then started jumping up and down like a child excited for an ice cream lolly. He started to make me jump up and down but I was not in a mood.

"What's wrong Sash? This is good news," he said sadly.

"I am not ready yet, " I turned away from him. I felt guilty for making this moment for him sour but he needs to know how I feel before we move forward.

"Sasha, I am not ready either but I am blessed to have a child with you. I am blessed that God has allowed us to bring a child to this world, " he said convincingly.

"Yes, but we could have this later as well, right now I want to spend time with you and get to know you even better. I want to work and a child means, responsibility and attention that it will require, " I sighed.

He held my hand and took me towards the bed. He sat me down and looked in my eye deeply. I understood one thing, I was hurting him. He wanted the same enthusiasm from me but I couldn't give it to him.

"Baby, I know why you are feeling this way, but we can do this together. You are not in this alone. The baby will be both our responsibilities. The baby will bring us even more closer. I know this is sudden and you are panicking, but this baby is blessed to have us as parents because we will love him so much. Sasha, you don't know how happy you have made me. Just look at this from my perspective, " he lowered his eyes in sadness. One thing I hate doing is ever making him unhappy. If a baby makes him happy then I have no right to make him upset about it.

"You're right. I am sorry. It's just too early in our marriage that's all. I will try to be more supportive of this, " I smiled to reassure him that I will love this baby more than anything in this world.

"Oh Sash, you have no idea how happy you have made me. I love you and I promise to love you till death do us part, " the joy in his eyes made me melt. A tear fell from my eye and Tyler wiped it away with his thumb.

Tyler came closer and kissed me deeply. I could feel the declaration in his lips but also a tender feeling. He parted from my lips and bent towards my stomach. He lifted his hand and put it on my stomach.

"Hey baby, it's you, daddy, here. We are so glad you are here. I can't wait to meet you, " and he kissed my stomach and this right here felt as real as possible. It gave me goosebumps but a very joyful feeling. I will be a mom soon and I couldn't be happier. Tyler looked up in my eyes and now my tears falling freely. He kissed away my tears and hugged me tightly.

"So when can we tell our families?" asked Tyler.

"Once I have seen the doctor, I want to know everything about the baby then we can tell them, " I know this news will bring joy to both sides of our families.

"Oh, Sash, you've made me a happy man." The joy in his voice made me want to do this again and again. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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