Chapter 1

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3 Years of University done. Can't believe I did it, but this isn't the worst part. The worst part is yet to come. I live in a small town called Snowdonia. Snowdonia is a town full of beautiful mountains.

The worst part is that now I need to find a job. My dad is the owner of hand made jewellery store and would love for me to join as he doesn't want to hire anyone outside, but I didn't go to College to spend my entire life in this town. A job where I would need to leave this town and move to the city. A city of opportunities. London. It won't be easy leaving this town especially my baby sister. Maya is only two years younger than me but much wiser.

"Mom, I am home", I just finished my last exam and went for dress shopping with my best friend Mia. Its her birthday on Sunday and she requested to buy me a dress as I was saving for the move from this small town. Mia dropped me home after to a special cooked meal by my mom in the celebration of my end of school life and entering the world of grown-ups. I convinced Mia to stay but the same celebration is going to her home too.

"Sasha, good you're home. I have made your favourite meal, Pasta with shrimps." The smell churned my stomach and made me realize how hungry I was. "My darling, you must be exhausted." She looked at me with her lovely puppy eyes. My mother is the most down to earth and caring you can find in this small town.

I sat at the kitchen table as my mum gently removed my backpack from my shoulders and shopping bags from my hand and placed on the chair next to me.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking around.

"Maya is at work with your dad. She called to let me know that they will be late and for us to carry on without them." My mum had this sadness in her eyes and I knew she was hoping for all of us at the dinner table together.

"Mom it's ok, let's wait for them. I am going to take a shower anyways," I said with a sigh. My mom smiled and asked me to carry on.

All I kept thinking was how job hunt will work out in my favour. Mia my best friend knew where she is going to work, at her dad's dentistry. She knew from day one that this is it for her. Luck her, . My dream is to move out from here and have options.

My ex boyfriend, Ethan planned on going to United States for further studies.

As I returned from the shower, I eyed the shopping bag on my bed and thought how grateful I am to be surrounded by people who love me. We are not well off as my dad doesn't get many sales done but we manage. I promised Mia that I will pay her off as soon as I get a job.

I tried the dress on and was stunned at how beautiful my body looks. I am not one of those skinny girls whose bones pop out, I have good curves and which other girls are jealous of. The dress was the same colour as my eyes, sea blue.

I was soo busy admiring my self in the mirror that I didn't notice my dad watching me from the door.

"Hey princess, you look stunning. Is it new?"

"Yes dad, I bought it for Mia's birthday party this Sunday," he smiled. I have the same eye colour as my dad. My dad is very tall and very handsome but now there are wrinkles around those beautiful eyes. "Which reminds me that can you make something special for Mia, I want to give it as a gift." My dad has the perfect idea and techniques on jewellery for every occasion.

"Of course. Are you coming down? After dinner I want a family meeting now that you've finished Uni." His tone gave me goosebumps. I nodded as he left.

I quickly changed into my nightsuit and went downstairs to find all my family sitting on the dining table to start prayer before eating. I sat down and gave a wink to my sister at my opposite chair.

"Thank you for all you have done for us Lord, Sasha finished her Uni and hopefully passing with flying grades, Thanks for Maya being at work with me and Thanks to my lovely wife for this meal. Amen." My dad finished with the prayers and we start eating. The pasta was delicious. My mother is the best cook.

"So dad, what was it you wanted to speak to us about? You mentioned the family meeting." I eyed him with the suspicious look because I think I knew what he was about to say anyway.

"Ah yes, You finished your studies today and hopefully your results will be great but we could really use extra hands at work. We are getting busy and I don't want to hire someone from outside and pay them when the money can come in the family." He had guilty-looking eyes because he knew about my future dreams.

I looked at my sister as she smiled back at me. She had always supported me. She never went Uni as dad was desperate for another worker at the shop so she decided to help him out only she didn't know she had to join him as a full-time worker. The good thing is she doesn't regret it and she doesn't want me to regret either.

"Dad, now that I have finished my Uni, I want to focus on finding a good job outside this town. I know there are soo many opportunities out there for me and I want to start looking immediately but in between my search I will help out as much as I can." I said with a long sigh and my dad looked at my mum then smiled at me, happy with my decision.

"Just don't look for a job too far from us, we would like a visit from you once in a while," said my mum with tears in her eyes.

"Of course mum, It's going to be difficult for me to," I had tears coming in my eyes too and at that same time Maya got up from her chair and came to give is a group hug. My family was my biggest support you can ever find.

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