Chapter 19

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I woke up with the sun shining on my eyes. It bought a smile to my face. I got up from the bed and went towards the window, the view was breathtaking. The crowd around the street, the rush hour. It was only 8 in the morning but I could see the Sunday was as busy as any other day. I couldn't wait to start my days here in this flat just like every other busy person living in this city.

With a huge smile on my face, I went to shower and I quickly changed into jeans and a sweatshirt as Ryan would be here any minute. I knew whatever I wore, Ryan wouldn't care. I wore as little makeup as possible as I also couldn't care less.

I picked up the key of the flat from the kitchen counter as Jessica was still sleeping. Jessica has been welcoming and it feels as if we have been good friends since forever. I know we both spoke briefly last night about the grocery lists and expenses around the house, I hope there won't be any formalities between us.

I left my home and walked towards the cafe Ryan texted me about. It wasn't that much of a walk but I was more excited to see the people around me then I was to see Ryan.

I entered the cafe and saw Ryan at the end of the cafe with his head stuck in his phone as usual. Sometimes I feel as if he doesn't want to put enough effort into our relationship. I reached his table and sat down on the chair in front of him.

He finally pulled his head up from his phone as he noticed me as I reached his table and gave me a huge smile. He came forward and kissed me lightly on my lips and my stomach did 360degree somersault.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hey yourself. Why is your head always glued to your phone?" I teased.

"It's work." He said in a serious voice.

"Even on Sundays?"

"Well, now that you will start working, you will know how it is, " he said with a dazzling smile. His smile is one thing that always makes my heart pound. I guess I was wrong, I still feel for Ryan and I will do anything to make this work and forget about Tyler. I think kissing him was a mistake I am ready to move on from it.

Ryan ordered a big breakfast for us and my favourite coffee. I am surprised he knows all my favourite food and I am guessing he didn't figure it out all by himself.

"How did you sleep in your new place?" he asked while chewing on his omelette.

"Oh Ryan, I slept like a horse. And waking up to the sun shining was one of my dreams, " happiness glowed inside me that I could barely conceal my delight.

"That's great, but you can still come and stay with us, we have a great room with a great view as well." I wish I could but Tyler made things uneasy for me.

"Ryan, I appreciated the offer and I still do but you know I can't impose." That was a fact, I didn't want to make Tyler uncomfortable.

"Babe, you know you can never impose and you have any idea how pissed Mia is at us." Mia? She knows A-z about me and her brother's then why would she be pissed at her brothers? Has she said anything to them? Oh no, this will be bad.

"What does Mia have to do with us? " I asked a little confused.

"Well, Mia is your best friend and she fought with me when you first came to this city for interviews. She said for me to suck up my feelings and bring you to stay with us because you are family." I always knew that Mia would stand up for me no matter who she was against but the thought of her fighting for me bought me to tears.

"Mia is more of my sister then you guys, " Ryan simply nodded. "When I first started having feelings for you, I didn't know what my future holds. My feelings for you clouded my mind regarding jobs and I wasn't concentrating enough on them, but when you told me that you are heartbroken, it broke me also but gave me the strength to concentrate on what my future was about." I smiled at him because he made my future possible.

Love me till the end Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora