Chapter 3

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"Maya, hurry up. They're nearly here." Maya was taking her time to get dressed, as usual. She loves to doll herself up but I like to keep it simple. I wore a summer dress and a woven straw hat. Also wore lots of sunscreens because I don't like getting tan.

I sat in the kitchen waiting, packed all the drinks, lots of beers, red bull, coke and water. I heard the tires screeching outside at the same time Maya comes in the kitchen.

"See I am right on time." Maya wore jean shorts and a white tank top, She wore a woven hat too. She looked stunning.

"Great you're here, now let's go." I pushed Maya out the door. Today Mom was at the store to help dad out. Whenever Maya takes a day off, dad calls mom over so he still has someone to help out.

I locked the door and went to greet the group. Mia came out of the car first and hugged me real tight. She was wearing a nice summer dress too. She looked gorgeous and I noticed she was wearing the necklace I gave her last night for her birthday. Behind her was Tyler, he wore shorts and a plain green t-shirt. He looked amazing as always.

"Hello beautiful, you two look, twins." He pointed towards me and Mia. We both blushed. "And I and Maya are twinning." We all laughed at his jokes. Tyler has a good sense of humour. I wonder if he has a girlfriend.

"Where is Ryan?" I noticed he didn't come out of the car to greet us.

"Oh we dropped him off to the supermarket, we needed skewers for the barbeque. We will pick him up on our way," said Mia.

We all got in the car, the car was 7 seaters so we all sat comfortably. We drove off and on the way picked up Ryan. When I saw Ryan in view my heart jumped a little. He was looking soo handsome. He wore shorts similar to Tyler but he wore a short-sleeve shirt with flowers printed on it. He was wearing the same colour as me, light blue.

He came inside the car and sat in front with Tyler. He turned his head back. He saw Maya first and said his greetings but then he turned his head completely back of the car, that's where I was sitting.

"Hey Sasha, you okay?" My smile broadened.

"Hey Ryan, I am great, what about you?" He nodded.

"Now you both look twins," said Tyler as a joke to me and Ryan. Ryan smacked on Tyler's arm and told him to start driving. My head kept finding the way between Maya and Mia's head to look at Ryan. I couldn't wait for the picnic to start already.

"So, where are we going? asked Maya curiously.

"There's a nice hill just on the south, roughly half-hour drive. They allow barbeque so I thought this place is perfect," Ryan explained.

The view was breathtaking as we got there after half an hour later. The hills were all around, Some higher and some very lower and all green. The weather was amazing here too. Tyler parked the car so we started unloading the car. Mia took the mats out, Maya took the drinks cooler and the guys took the barbecue equipment and marinated barbecue. They were ball and badminton stuff in the car too so I decided to carry those. We started walking until we found the perfect spot for our picnic.

As Mia lay the mats down, Maya sat down and I went to help the boys set up the barbeque.

"Shall we not wait for a bit before we start the barbecue?" asked Mia. "We ate breakfast quite late and am not that quite hungry.

"Silly, you might not be hungry but Maya and Sasha may be hungry, right Sasha?" Tyler asked curiously.

"No, it's fine. We ate breakfast late too."

Tyler nodded then we all sat down on the mat. We all sat in a circle. Ryan sat opposite to me. He kept passing silent glances towards me. When he noticed I was looking at him, he turned his attention towards his phone. Tyler interrupted our silent thoughts.

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