Chapter 10

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"I think he doesn't feel the same way about me as I do about him," I told Tyler. Tyler gave me a little hope but also a little afraid to know why Ryan hasn't told me anything about it.

"Princess, I think you need to speak to him, " said Tyler.

"He texted me yesterday morning, he wants to do dinner but I didn't reply." I feel really miserable right now. I couldn't eat. I hardly ate 2 bites.

Tyler pulled out his phone and dials Ryan's number. I snatched the phone from his hands.

"Don't you dare. You can't tell him about me. He knew I liked him when he broke up with her girlfriend, he could have called me himself but he didn't."

"You're right. Let's just finish our meal then I can show you around a little." I understood that he wanted to move on from this subject before I say something I don't want to.

We finished our meal in silence then left the restaurant to explore a little. It was getting late when I told Tyler that I should be going back to the hotel.

"Let's get ice cream before we go, I know a really nice place around here." Tyler suggested but I wasn't in the mood anymore.

"Tyler, thank you for coming to eat with me tonight but I am really tired plus I have to wake up early, I have an interview for 10 a.m." He agreed.

"But let me drop you please." I nodded. We were walking in silence for a while but he got fed up of it. "Sasha, you know what your problem is, you don't take stand for yourself. Don't take me wrong but have the courage to go up to Ryan and express your feelings." Tyler thinks that I am weak. He simply doesn't understand.

"Tyler, it's not about courage. He knows how I feel and he broke it already. If he felt something he would have said something. Why should I go to him to tell him about my feelings again? To get it broken again. Tyler he doesn't feel anything for me so I am not going to force it." I had to speak up otherwise he will assume it as my weakness.

"He probably thinks you're over him that's why you're not contacting him." Is that what he thinks.

"Tyler, he called me a few times regarding a job he offered me at his workplace. In that few calls, he didn't have 10 seconds just to say he broke up with her permanently?" I was fed up with this topic. Tyler got silent. "Tyler, let's leave this topic here, if he likes me then he will let me know. But I am done with this. I am here to give my best on the interviews so that's what I am going to concentrate on."

"I understand." I didn't realise I reached my hotel while talking. I hugged him tightly and thanked him for dinner and his concern.

I went to my room thinking what Tyler said to me. Does Ryan think I am really over him? I am so confused right now. Maya told me not to get into this, that I should actually concentrate on other things. She also told me that it can just be a crush but it doesn't feel like a crush.

My mind was so occupied with Ryan that I completely forgot about my interview tomorrow. This is bad. I went to bed thinking hard about things until I came to the conclusion that he likes someone else that's why he hasn't said anything to me. Maybe it's someone from work.

I put an alarm on my phone for 7:30 a.m and tried to sleep. But I couldn't. Tyler shouldn't have said anything to me about this. I shouldn't care about this. I should just forget about him. I fell asleep on that thought.

I woke up with heavy eyes, I was so tired. But today was important. I had an interview near Convent Garden. So I got up, took a shower, got dressed for the interview. I took all my documents and went downstairs to the dining room to have breakfast. Today I completely blocked out Ryan. He had enough of my attention last night. I called for a taxi and waited in the dining room until it arrived. It was around 9 when my taxi arrived and left for the interview.

I reached in 20 mins so I was quite early. The building was very huge, maybe 20 floors minimum. The place was very spacious. The interior was blue and gold, very feminine. I went to the reception desk to ask if I can wait in the lobby.

"Excuse me, I have an interview at 10 with Mr Clarke, in the finance department." The person at the desk looked up and smiled. He had a very charming look and very sharp features. He had blond hair and when he smiled I could see his dimples. I showed him the interview letter.

"You're a little early, Miss..." He looked at the letter for my surname.

"Bennette." I tell him so he doesn't waste much of his time.

"Miss Bennette, if you don't mind can you just wait in the waiting area on level 1. You will get a call soon." He again smiled his brilliant smile. I nodded and went to the lift. I peered from the lift at the guy in reception, before the lift doors closed. He had similar features to Ryan. Tall face and blond. Why am I remembering Ryan, I should concentrate on the interview.

I got out of the lift and went to find a seat in the waiting area, there were already a few people sitting. I sat down and took out my phone to text Maya to see how things are going on at home but I noticed I received a text myself. It was from Ryan.

"Hey, I hope you're good and your interviews are going well. I was hoping you would reply back to my text this time. Can I please take you out to dinner tonight. For Mia if not for me. Please don't refuse. I know a really nice place near Trafalgar Square."

I couldn't refuse so I replied the text with a yes. Then I also texted Tyler to ask him if he said anything to him but he replied that he didn't say anything.

I was called in for my interview but my mind was diverted to Ryan's text. I tried focusing on the interview. I went inside and it was a huge office. The walls were elegant blue and the hangings on the wall were even better. There were three people sitting behind the desk. I came ahead and was asked to sit.

"Hello, Miss Bennette, I am Mike Clarke and they are out head of financial advisers." Mike Clarke was old enough to be my dad's age but his voice can convince people that he's in his 20's. He pointed towards his left, "This is Mrs Jule Bryan and on my right is Mr Theo Lorn. Please tell us why do you want this job? What do you have that the others don't?"

The interview was 20 minutes long and I think I did okay even though Ryan preoccupied my mind. The only thing concerning them was that I don't have any experience in financial work. I haven't had a real job before. They said to wait in the waiting area and they will let me know the decision.

I was nervous. It wasn't easy to get a job that is this good. The salary is amazing but best of all, it's what I really want to do. It was over half an hour and still, no one came out from the room. Finally, Mr Theo Lorn came out. Oh God, he didn't look happy. I stood up.

"Miss Bennette, we are happy to offer you the job because your qualifications are what we require but as you are inexperienced for work, we want to offer you training for 6 weeks before you start with your work. You will get a salary for the training but it will be of the minimum wage until you start work full time. Here is the letter of acceptance so, please give us a call in the next two days to notify if you're happy with this proposal or not. Thank you for your time." He went back to the office.

I stood at the same spot for a few more minutes, thinking about what he just said. I can't work on a minimum wage even though it's for 6 weeks. I can't rent a flat yet and living in a hotel for 6 weeks wasn't in my criteria. I will have to think about it. I have 2 more interviews this week so let's see how those go.

I was a little hungry when I left the building so I bought a burger to take away and went to Trafalgar square. I sat on down near the statues of a lion and admired the view around me. I started eating my food when I saw Ryan walking with a girl behind the crowd. He had his arms around her. He said something in her ear which made her laugh. She was tall, the same height as Ryan.

I lost my appetite. He had a girlfriend so why did Tyler lie to me. I decided to text him at that moment that I won't be able to go dinner with him tonight.

"Hey, I am sorry but I will have to cancel tonight. I don't feel really well. Maybe some other day."

He took out his phone from his pocket. I saw his look when he received my text. He was frowning but he put his phone back and turned his attention back to the girl. I left there and went back to my hotel room.

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