Chapter 5

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I was so annoyed with my self. How could I fall for someone without even knowing if that person feels something for me or not? Now is the time for me to concentrate on my goal. I need a good salary job.

While getting dressed for dinner, I texted Ryan that I will meet him at the restaurant, he insisted that he will pick me up but I don't think I can sit so close to him in the car. He sent me the address of the restaurant. I have been here before with Mia. The food and setting are amazing.

Mia was doing her magic on my face. When she turned my face to look in the mirror, I was in awe of myself. I looked beautiful. Even though she kept my face neutral, I still looked a little different.

I hugged Mia tightly before leaving home, she understood what I was going through. She knew what would hurt me, so thank God she saved me before things got worse. I called dad as soon as I left home that if I can borrow the car for tonight. He sounded confused but he said I can borrow it for tonight.

My mind kept running back to his girlfriend, why did she cheat on him? As far as I know, Ryan is a very sweet and caring person. I have known Ryan since we were kids but I have never felt like this about him since the last two days. I wonder what changed.

I reached the store and texted Maya to bring out the car keys. Her face was full of questions but I wasn't ready to talk to her about it.

"I will talk to you tonight." That's all I could say right now.

She handed the keys over and hugged me tightly. She understood what I was going through without saying one too many words. I sat in the car and left for the dinner I was dreading.

The restaurant is only 15 minutes away from the store. The street lights are shining bright and filled with people. This time of the year is packed with tourists. Dad is always busy during this period of time.

The restaurant came into view and I was looking for parking. It seems all of Snowdonia is here as I can't find a single car park spot. Finally, after turning into every turn of the car park, I find one on the other side of the parking.

I was feeling very nervous about facing Ryan. I get out of the car and start walking towards the restaurant. The restaurant was swarming with people. I was searching for Ryan through the crowd.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Are you looking for a table? We are fully booked right now." The waiter gently said.

"No, I am looking for Ryan. He must be already waiting for me." I said politely.

"Oh yes, this way ma'am."

The waiter pointed towards the back and gestured me to follow him. I was looking all around and spotted a few of my Uni fellow mates. The food smelled great and made my stomach growl. I spotted Ryan, he was sitting at one of the end tables. I noticed that the back of the restaurant is quieter than the rest of the restaurant. I wonder why Ryan chose this table.

Ryan's head was glued to his phone. I am curious to know if he is texting his girlfriend. That thought made me shudder.

As I reached the table, the waiter got the attention of Ryan. "Sir, your guest is here."

I smiled at the waiter as he left. Ryan got up from his seat and came to hug me. Before I protested on the hug, it was too late. I wanted to hug back but the conversation earlier on with Mia pulled me back.

"Hey Sasha." He took a pause and looked at me for a second. "I must say, you look very stunning."

His comment made me blush. Did he really notice me or was he being polite? I think he was just being polite.

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