Chapter 8

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Summer was over but I still have dozen of applications to go through. Finding work in the busy city of London wasn't easy. Each company asked different questions. I have 3 interviews lined up for the coming week so I will have to leave in 2 days for London. It will not be easy to be away from the family but I have no other choice.

Past three months have been very difficult especially when trying to get over about Ryan. He called a few times regarding the offer on the job but I refused. Mia has been particularly careful with me when the mention on Ryan appears.

I have been packing a few clothing items and necessaries. I was looking online for a cheap hotel to stay for a week. I can't afford a luxurious place right now, I have some saved money from student loans and don't want to ask dad for any money so I have to live up to what I have at the moment.

Mia told Tyler that I will be coming to London so he called me a few times to come and stay with him for the week but I refused because both brothers live together and I don't want to face Ryan let alone live with him. Though I do appreciate the offer. Mia came over earlier this morning to drop off a few things I need to deliver to her brothers.

Past two months, I have been helping dad at the store as well as it got busier. I try to give Maya and dad a day off in between because they are always exhausted when they come back home. They have to open for longer hours during the summer holidays. Tomorrow I have a shift at the store and Maya has the day off but the day after tomorrow I have to leave for London.

Maya and dad came home late so mum and I ate already. It was after 9 that dad and Maya reached home. I was in bed looking for hotels on my laptop. There was one I liked near Hyde Park. It was cheap and affordable as well. I booked myself for a week.

"Busy?" Maya peeked through the bedroom door.

"No, come in, " I said. "How was work?" She came to sit next to me on the bed.

"Busy. How come you haven't slept yet. You are going to the store tomorrow right because I am really tired." She looked exhausted. How is she going to manage when I am gone?

"I was looking at hotels in London. I am going day after tomorrow so I have to prepare myself before." I said to her in excite. "You can have your rest tomorrow but from the day after tomorrow onwards you have to manage it." I will be gone for a week and If I do get accepted at one of the places then I will be gone along time." I wanted her to know my schedule so she knows I won't be there forever.

"So you don't want to stay with the Blackwood brothers?" she asked deliberately. She knows that I won't be going anywhere near Ryan.

"You know I don't want to. You shouldn't even be asking. But I will be seeing them." I looked everywhere else but here because I know what her reaction would be.

"I see, " she just nodded. "Which brother in particular?" she asked curiously.

"No particular, Mia gave me some stuff to give it to her brothers, there is no intention behind it." I explained to Maya.

"Got it, " she responded with a grimace. She got up to leave the room.

"I have no intention of seeing Ryan if that's what you're smiling about, " I shouted at her.

"I am not smiling, " She was trying to resist her smile. Then she left the room.

The thought of seeing Ryan bought joy to my heart but also a little lost as I am not sure if he's still seeing his girlfriend.

The next day I did my work shift from 9 to 9 and I was exhausted. Luckily, I packed most of my stuff a day before so last-minute essentials needed to be packed.

I have a train to catch at 11:30 am tomorrow. I was still exhausted when I woke up in the morning. I came down to eat breakfast with mum. Dad and Maya had already left for work.

"Good morning mum, " I said to mum while sitting on the dining table. She was doing the dishes when I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning sweety, what time is your train?" she asked.

"11:30, I need to leave soon." I was dreading the journey to London. It was over 2 hours.

"Maya texted me to let you know that she will drive you to the train station, " said mum.

"She doesn't need to, I will call a taxi. Dad will be alone at work if she leaves, " I replied.

"No, he won't be as I will cover her shift for some time. Let her drive you, she wants to spend time with you. She's going to miss you."

"I am only going for a week mum, you guys won't even realise I am not here."

"If you get an offer on a job then it might be longer then one week sweetheart, " she had a point.

I simply nodded. I was feeling a little sad myself but there was nothing we could do. This day had to come eventually.

I was eating my breakfast when mum put an envelope on the table with my name on it. I pulled it up in my hand and noticed there was no address on it, just my name.

"What is this mum? Who is it from?" I kept turning the envelope around and noticed it was a little heavier than normal envelopes.

"It's from your dad, he said you will need it." It was extra money. Mum started picking all the dishes from the dining table.

"No mum, I can't accept this, I have enough to manage a week." Dad has always been generous but now is my time to earn and provide for myself.

"He insisted, don't deny it. Just keep it in case of an emergency." I couldn't deny it now. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and texted dad a thank you.

I got up and went to take a quick shower. I changed into a pair of jeans and a knitted sweater. It's starting to get a little chilly here so it will be a chilly in London too.

I got all my stuff ready by the door and waited for Maya to come to pick me up. At that moment, I saw Mia coming into the parking. She switched the engine off and came running towards me. She hugged me tightly and wouldn't let me go.

"Can't...breathe..." I was starting to choke.

"Oh, sorry." She let go of me. "I am going to miss you, " she sounded so upset.

"I will be back soon, I need to start working already." I said.

Maya came to pick me up and Mia helped me take my luggage to the car. It wasn't a lot but I still needed a hand. Mum came outside to hug me and wish me luck. Mia hugged me as well then I left with Maya.

I reached the station in half-hour and Maya helped me take the luggage out of the car. She hugged me tightly and wished me good luck.

The station wasn't that big so it was easy enough to carry the luggage around. I was 20 minutes early so I sat on one of the benches. At that minute my phone beeped and it was a text from Ryan. My heart beats twice than normal.

"Hey how are you? I heard you are coming to London. Please let me know when you are free, I want to take you out for dinner. For old time sakes. I can take any day off. I hope to see you soon. Have a safe journey."

He wants to see me. It thrilled me to know he still cares enough to take me for dinner. I wasn't sure it was a good idea though because getting over him wasn't easy. But thinking about it, one dinner won't be so bad.

Love me till the end Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang