Chapter 16

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I had the most awful sleep ever. I was wide awake when my alarm went off. It was time to get up and go home. I booked my ticket at 2 a.m last night and since then my mind keeps running back to the kisses with both brothers.

I was comparing their kisses as to who's was more tender or who's was more desperate or who's was more passionate. I feel guilty of kissing them both. Maybe I shouldn't be with Ryan. I know I was jumping onto conclusions but being in this situation sucks. Tyler ruined it for me and he knows that as well.

I got all my stuff ready last night so I was fully prepared to leave for home. I know Maya and Mia would be waiting for gossips as they always know something is up. I texted Maya last night with the details of the ticket so she will be at the train station to pick me up.

I quickly got dressed and called for a taxi. I wasn't hungry but I needed coffee so I quickly ran towards the nearby costa or Starbucks for a cup of coffee and a cupcake to go. My taxi arrived within minutes and I left for the train station.

I was in a taxi when I received a text message from Ryan wishing he could have come with me. But I don't wish that because I am glad I have a few days to think of this relationship through. I need advice but I don't know who to ask. I kept checking my phone to see if Tyler replies but he doesn't.

I reached the station and went to look for my train, it was crowded today so it took time to get to the right lane. I got on the train a few minutes later and left for home. I slept most of the journey as I didn't get much sleep last night.

As I reached the station to my home town, I got a text message from Maya that she's outside waiting. I know Maya will have a lot of questions for me but I don't know if I would have answers for them. I got off the train and went to search for the car. I saw the car from a distance and started walking towards it. My phone vibrated in my bag and took my phone out in a hurry to see if Tyler replied but it was from Mia.

"I know you have gossips for me, so I will see you in the evening. Be ready my 7, we are going to the pub."

I groaned at that text because I was in no mood for going anywhere but I couldn't say no. I reached the car and Maya came out to hug me real tight.

"I missed you, " said Maya a little upset.

"Hey, I missed you too, " I replied while hugging her back. "How's everyone at home?"

We sat in the car and talked the whole drive home but she never really asked the question she wanted to ask and I was grateful for that. We reached home in no time and dad was standing on the doorway waiting for me. I left the car and went to hug him. As I went inside I noticed the dining table was full of food as if Christmas was here already.

"Is this all for me?" I asked dad in surprise. All he did was smile at me and pointed me to sit on my chair. Mum entered the dining room and came to hug me. She didn't need to say anything as I read it through her eyes, there was only love and excitement there.

She told me to sit and we all sat on the dining table and had the most amazing lunch there ever was possible.

"So, how was London? Is the life there same the way you imagined?" Dad asked smiling at me.

"It's better but I will get to know properly when I start working." I said feeling excited.

"How's everything happening?" He asked. I launched into telling him all the details about my work and flat. I comforted him as to I will be safe and my only purpose of moving out is a job. As a daughter, I can only imagine what he must be feeling. He was happy for me so we moved on from this subject.

"How were Ryan and Tyler?" I nearly choked on my food as dad asked me this question out of the blue. Dad quickly put water in front of me to drink. I looked up to see Maya eyeing me conspicuously. Oh oh, I made it more obvious to her but I had to answer dad before he finds something suspicious in my silence.

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