Chapter 11

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I was shattered. I didn't know what else to feel. Seeing him with a girl, seeing him so happy I felt like I didn't belong here. With him.

I went straight to my room and jumped on the bed. I cried and cried until I had no more tears left. I got up changed into my PJs and sat on the bed again. This time I put on the TV so I could forget about Ryan. At that moment, my phone rang and it was my dad. I haven't spoken to him since I have come to London.

"Hey Dad, how are you?" I asked

"What's wrong? Why do you sound so low?" Oh no, I don't want to lie to him. My voice was a little strained.

"Nothing's wrong. In fact, there is good news but I am not sure about it." I launched into telling him all about the interview I had today. He sounded excited but I told him the pay wasn't well for the beginning which was my downer.

"Sweety, that's fantastic. They must be really interested in you." His enthusiasm gave me hope.

"Dad I still have 2 more interviews, so I am going to think about it after I had both of them done." One interview was tomorrow and one the next day.

"Okay, I am going to hang up now, I got customers coming." He hung up the phone and I went back to sulking.

I miss Maya right now, I wish she was here with me. She has always given me the right advice and if she was here right now, she would tell me to suck it up and move on.

I heard the door knock and went to open the door.

"Who is it?" I asked before opening the door.

"Room service." He said, but I didn't order anything. Hang on, why does this voice sound familiar.

I opened the door to see Tyler holding up 2 takeaway Chinese food bags. He smiled broadly knowing I would need company right now but I wasn't in the mood.

"Tyler, I am not a good company right now."

"But I am a great company, " he said. He entered the room without my approval and put the bags on the table. "I was around this area and got a little hungry so I decided to bring it here, I didn't want to eat alone," he paused turned to face me. "I hope you like Chinese, " he smiled.

"Why eat alone, where is Ryan? He's not eating with you?" I went to sit back down in bed.

"He told me in the morning that he had dinner plans for tonight and I didn't, so I came here." Ryan was supposed to have dinner with me but he never told Tyler that I cancelled it.

"He didn't mention who he was having dinner with?" I asked.

"No, must be someone from work, come on, let's eat." he started placing paper plates for both of us including knives and forks.

"Tyler, he texted me this morning for dinner, I said yes then but later I cancelled it." He suddenly stopped doing the serving and looked at me like I killed his cat.

"Why would you cancel on him? You have been waiting for this for so long, you might have gotten your answers but you cancelled." He was now yelling at me.

"After my interview, I went to sit in Trafalgar Square and I saw him walk past by with a girl by his side." I explained to him but didn't have the courage to look at him.

"It could be someone from work, you silly, it doesn't have to mean anything." He clarified.

"Tyler, they were really cosy with each other. It could only mean one thing." I was on the verge of crying. Tyler came closer and hugged me tightly.

"I am really very sorry Sasha, Ryan hasn't mentioned anything about a girl to me yet. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten your hopes high, " this was making Tyler unhappy as well.

"It's fine Tyler. Come let's eat. I haven't eaten anything all day and Chinese is my favourite, " I tried changing the subject. We both ate our food and I told him about the job while eating and he told me about his work. He told me that he would help me look for a flat at a low price until I get fully paid. When we finished eating, we wrapped up the extra food and cleaned the area.

"Do you mind if we watch a movie together?" Tyler asked.

"Of course, I don't feel like staying alone right now," I said. It was good not to be able to think about things when you have a company.

Tyler came to sit next to me in bed and started searching through for a good movie on Netflix. I put a blanket on us as it was getting a little cold. We both got comfortable as Tyler put on the movie. It was a Romantic comedy. The movie bought a smile to my face.

I didn't realise until later that I was sitting very close to Tyler. Our shoulders were touching. I looked up to see him but found him staring at me. We both quickly looked back at the TV. I don't think either of us was watching the movie at that time. There was heat tingling in my chest at that moment and my hands were sweaty.

Tyler moved his hand to his pocket to take his phone out but instead, our hands touched for a brief second. My heartbeat quickened and I started fidgeting. I wasn't sure what was happening but I couldn't contain my sensations. My face was only inches from his and every time I turn to look at him, he looks back at me.

This time when I turn to look at him, he crushes his lips against mine, our lips moved against each other, desperate in the need to get closer. I moved my hand into his hair and twisted our bodies towards each other. For a few seconds, we were lost into each other until I realise what we were doing.

I moved back quickly. I panicked because I didn't realize I was kissing Tyler. He looked a little confused.

"I..." Tyler was lost at words. So was I. "I should go." I guess with his behaviour now, he wasn't meant to kiss me. I simply nodded.

He took his jacket and walked right out the door. What have I done? I am in love with Ryan so how could I kiss Tyler? I couldn't sleep well and I had an interview in the morning as well. But eventually, I slept thinking about Tyler.

I was in bed with Tyler when I woke up for work. I got out bed leaving Tyler completely naked under the blanket and asleep. I took a shower and came out to dress. I was about to leave for work when I went up to kiss Tyler bye. But when I went up to kiss Tyler, he pushed me back into bed and kept kissing me deeply. I was getting late for work but I didn't want to leave him like this. He came on top of me and started leaving little kisses on my cheek, on my chin, on my neck. Gradually coming down on my b...

I woke up suddenly hearing the alarm. My body was sweating all over. I was dreaming but it felt so real. Suddenly, I remembered last night and without knowing, I touched my lips where Tyler had kissed me. Oh, this is bad. I put my head down on my hands. If I am feeling like this, I wonder how Tyler must be feeling.

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