Chapter 12

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A few weeks had passed after Jane contacted the police. After enough evidence, Veronica's father was convicted of child neglect and abuse, and was sentenced to at least 15 years in prison.

Though it was hard for Veronica to revist all the trauma and abuse she went through, it felt freeing. Her father was finally being held accountable for the horrible person he was.

And, of course, her found family was by her side throughout the whole case. She had built a beautiful bond with every member of her new family.

She was taken out of her fathers custody, and put in the foster system. She was allowed by court to stay at Jane's house whilst the adoption papers were processed so she could legally become her daughter.

However, what she didn't know was what Jane's last name was, she had never thought to ask. When she saw her papers though, Jane's surname was Seymour.

"Wait, so your name is Jane Seymour? Like the third wife of Henry the Eighth?" Veronica questioned.

"Well, yes. About that.." Jane began.

"Catherine, Anne, Anna, Kitty, Cathy and I are all the ex-wives of Henry the Eighth"

Veronica went silent. How is that possible?? They died well over 400 years ago?

"Wait.. you're joking?"

Jane shook her head.

"We were all reincarnated, we weren't sure why but know I might have an idea.. Maybe we were meant to tell our story, and to help you. There surely was a reason I met you that day in the store"

Veronica was in shock. How often is it that your found family end up being the ex-wives of Henry the Eighth? She would hope that wasn't a common occurrence anyways.

Despite how much she doubted it, the more she thinks about it the more real it seems. Why would Jane lie to her about it? There's no way someone would lie about this of all things.

"I believe you... So... Who's who?"

Jane smiled.

"So, I'll go in order. Catherine is Catherine of Aragon, Anne is Anne Boleyn, I'm Jane Seymour, Anna is Anne of Cleves, Kitty is Katherine Howard and Cathy is Catherine Parr"

"Wow.. That does make a little bit of sense I guess?" Veronica mumbled.

Jane nodded again.

"So.. This doesn't change anything does it? Do you still want me to adopt you?" Jane questioned, a slight look of worry on her face.

"Of course, I would love to become Veronica Seymour" she smiled.

Jane just walks over and wraps her in a hug, and they stay like that for a while.


All seven girls were sitting around the dinner table, enjoying their food in silence, when Jane stood up abruptly.

Everyone turned to look at her, a questioning look on their faces.

"So, as you know I put a request forward to adopt Veronica, right?"

Everyone nodded for her to continue.

"Today I got some news.."

Everyone stopped their eating, fully focusing on Jane.

"The request was accepted, Veronica is now officially a Seymour!"

The girls all erupted into cheers, congratulating Veronica. Veronica ran up to Jane and just cried, repeating thankyous over and over.

Jane held her close, and said,

"I will never let anything bad happen to you again"

not edited

A/N: WOOO I UPDATED!!! FINALLY!! Sorry I skipped over the whole court thing, I have ZERO idea how it works so yk I decided to leave it out 💀

But do not worry, this is not the end of Veronica's story, there's still more to tell! There will probably be a few small scenes if you guys want it, as well as a fairly big thing I'm trying to plan :))

I got motivated at 7 o'clock on my birthday to write this, so yeah that happened LMAOOO

Thank you all for sticking around even with the infrequent posts, ily guys <333 /p

- Veronica 💙

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