Chapter 3

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*TW- Talks of abuse*
I finished watching a Heathers bootleg, it really helped cheer me up. It's a bit strange, but Heathers is one of my comfort musicals even though it is so dark.

I don't know how much longer I can stand the abuse. I can't help feeling like it's my fault that I'm being abused, even though I know it isn't.

I enjoy the few hours when dad is out, probably at the bar. I can't just report him, because if the CPS (Child Protection Services) came, he would know it was me, and I'd be in for it.

I know I should do something, but I just don't know what. I could run away, but I have nowhere to run to. I think about that for a while. To be honest, anywhere would be better than here.

I don't think dad will be home for another hour or two, or longer, depending how drunk he is. I still have time. I grab my school backpack out of my closet, and pack the essentials. 3 cloths changes, a fleecy hoodie, phone charger, phone powerbank, deodorant, body spray, pads, hairbrush etc. I don't need to list everything. Luckily my backpack is relatively big, so I could fit a lot.

Lastly, I grab my stash of money from under my mattress. I'm not sure the exact amount, but there should be at least £300 there. It really isn't a lot considering thats how I'll be paying for food for who know how long.

I go downstairs, with less of a limp as my leg as stopped hurting as much. I look behind me one last time, and it actually feels good to be free from him.

I don't know where to go, so I just start wandering around London city. I decided to go to the grocery store, so I could buy some food. I walk into a Tescos, and wander around the isles.

I'm in the isle before the candy isle, and I hear something sounding slightly irritated, giving out to someone else.
"KITTY! You can't get the gummy bears, we already have enough candy in the cart"
You shrugged to yourself, thinking it was just a mother giving out to her child.
"Catherineee, don't be such a spoilsport, let us buy the gummy bears"

Okay, that voice sounds way too mature to be a child. I hear someone clear their throat, and I turn around, and realise that I'm standing in the middle of the island, and I'm blocking the isle. My cheeks go red, and I apologise, and I walk over to the candy isle.

I see 6 women standing around one cart. Two of them are holding bags of candy, one is standing at the cart looking annoyed, one is trying to put the candy back on the shelves and the last two are snickering at the whole sight.

A/N- There we gooo! First time seeing the queens! Left on a slight cliffhanger I guess, sorry lmao. Veronica won't be adopted by them just yet though, since that would be kinda odd, since they only just met. Anyways, I don't think I've mentioned it, but Veronica is 16! Thanks everyone for reading!
Also, I don't really proofread until a bit after the chapter is published, so excuse any mistakes lol

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