Quick Thank You <3 (plus little life update)

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Thank you all so much for this, it's INSANE-

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Thank you all so much for this, it's INSANE-

Thank you all so much for this, it's INSANE-

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All these rankings are incredible, thank you so much <33

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All these rankings are incredible, thank you so much <33

Also almost 2k reads and 100 votes is so much more than I thought I'd get

Also side note, I came out to my mom as lesbian, not really by a plan?

This is how the conversation went:
Me.   Mom. 

So, do you like girls?

*silence for a few seconds*


I have known for a while you know

Yeah I could kinda tell

Look, don't put a label on it until you're certain, I didn't kiss a boy until I was in 5th Year (around 16/17 years old) but you know me and your dad will support you no matter what

So that went well LMAOOO

New chapter coming at as soon as I have time, I've been busy since this is a big school year, and I'm also in a harder grade of piano so that takes a ton of my time

Hopefully getting tickets to see the Lion King in Dublin too, but depends on if there's decent seats-


Anywaysss, stay safe and love you all <33

-Veronica 💙

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