Chapter 4

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*Veronica's POV*
I walk over to the chocolate and decided to treat myself with a bar, since Dad never let me have any candy. I'm about to grab the chocolate, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and see one of the women from the other side of the isle.

"I.. Uh.. do you need something?" I ask her.
"No, no, I'm fine. But are you? I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I just saw your bruises. Sorry if I'm being too intrusive, I was just wondering if you're ok?" she questions.
"Oh, um don't worry, I'm fine now. Some stuff happened, I'm better now" I tell her.
"Ok, I know it's a bit strange, some random woman coming up to you in a grocery store asking if you're ok, but if you want, I can give you my number in case you need help getting out of any.. situations.." she offered.

I hesitated for a minute, since she is a stranger and all, but she gave off a motherly energy, and for some reason I trust her.
"Sure, uh here is my phone, you can put in your number I guess" I tell her, a small smile on my face.

She takes my phone, puts in her number, and hands my phone back.
"Remember to call or text me if you need help, but only if you are comfortable doing that" she smiled, before walking back to the other women she was with beforehand.

I look down at my phone, and see she put her name as Jane (Grocery Store Woman). I laugh quietly to myself, and put my phone in my pocket. I went to walk to checkout, but then I remembered my chocolate bar
"God, why am I so forgetful" I wonder to myself.

*Catherine (Cathy) Parr's POV*
I look up from Anna's phone, we were watching TikToks while we waited for Jane. Who knew a silly app could be so entertaining. Jane is walking back, with a slight look of worry on her face.
"Jane, why do you look worried? Also, why would you go up to some random teenager in a grocery store?!" I question her.
"She had bruises on her face, I went to go check on her. I gave her my number in case she needed to get out of a situation." She explained.
"Ah, I see" I say.

A/N: Idek if this makes sense, I'm writing this at 2am on a Sunday, well technically Monday I guess? Anyways, you'll probably see a lot of Veronica and Cathy bonding, since Cathy is my favourite queen lmao xD Jane is gonna be quite motherly in this fanfic, I just think it suits her, idk.

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