Chapter 10

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———————Next Morning——————

*Third Person POV*

Veronica wakes up to the sound of not so quiet whispers.

"Shhh stop slamming the doors, you're gonna wake Ronnie up"
"I'm not slamming the doors! You are!"

Ronnie recognises the voices to be Catherine and Anne.

"What?! That doesn't even make sense, I'm not- Oh well done Anne, she's awake now!" Catherine scolds Anne.

Catherine turns to Ronnie.

"Hey, did you sleep alright? You had a rough day yesterday" she asks, her tone softening.

Ronnie pauses, forgetting what happened yesterday. Then it all flooded back to her. She woke up in the park after running away from her Dad, met up with Jane, met Jane's.. roommates? Family? She didn't really know which they were. Watched a movie with them, then... Now she remembered what Catherine was talking about.

"Yeah, I slept pretty well actually. I'm so sorry for just intruding on you all, I'll go now, sor-" Ronnie was cut of by Anne.

"Hey now, you didn't intrude, Jane invited you here. Plus, we really enjoy your company! You can stay as long as you want!" Anne smiles.

"That's very true, you can stay here as long as you need" Jane says, after hearing the conversation from the hallway.

"Thank you so much, this means a lot" Ronnie grins.

"Hey, Catherine and Anne, can you go downstairs? Ronnie and I will be down in a few minutes" Jane says.

Catherine and Anne leave, and Jane turns to Ronnie.

"So... we might need to get you a new phone, your dad has been calling and texting you nonstop, I don't know if you want to read them or-"

"Yeah, no, I don't want to read them. You don't need to buy me a phone, I'll live without one." Ronnie mutters.

"It's no problem, we can afford one! Besides, you'll be here for a while and everyone likes your company, you're basically one of us now" Jane assured.

"Wow... this really means so much, you've known me for barely any time, yet you do this for me. Thank you so much Jane"

"It's really no problem. Anyways, we were thinking we'll just stay in for today, have a lazy day, if that's okay!" Jane replied.

"Really? That'd be nice actually" Ronnie replied excitedly, seeing as she never really got days like that since her mom died.

"C'mon now, the rest are waiting for their breakfast!"


Heyyy it's been a hot minute- I've had insane writers block 😭 I have ideas I just struggle at getting them down in a proper story format yk? Anyways I wrote this 2 or 3 weeks back, and I wanted to write more but I don't want to keep y'all waitng even more LMAOOO

I'll try to get more chapters out more frequently, but no promises unfortunately-

I wrote this while watching the Mamma Mia Musical on YouTube, so excuse any errors since I wasn't properly paying attention BAHAHA

As always, remember you're loved and appreciated!

-Veronica 🌻

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