Chapter 8

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"Girls, I'm home!"
Quick A/N: Just spent 3 hours on a French PowerPoint for my summer tests, it told me it was saved but then I had to refresh the page and it was all gone 🙂🔫 I hate it here 😗✌️ AnYwAyS—

*3rd Person POV*

There are some footsteps upstairs, and then some shouting to be heard.

"RACE YOU ANNE!" a voice yells out.

"OKAY, I'LL DEFINITELY WIN THOUGH!" another voice, who Veronica presumes to be Anne, replies.

"3.... 2.... 1.... GO!!"

The two girls come sprinting down the stairs, almost running into Veronica and Jane.

"HAHA KITTY, TOLD YOU I'D WI- wait..... Jane, who's this?" Anne questions.

"Anne, Kitty, this is Veronica! You know, the girl from Tescos!" Jane introduces you to them.

"Oooh! Hi!! I'm Anne! Nice to meet you!" Anne exclaims.

"Hii! Im Katherine, but everyone just calls me Kitty!" Kitty says, a smile on her face.

"Anne, Kitty, can you please stop running down the stairs" a voice says.

"Yeah, one day you're gonna trip down the stairs"

Two more girls walk in, then see Veronica.

"Oh Catherine, Anna! Remember that girl from Tescos? Well, her name is Veronica! Veronica, meet Catherine and Anna" Jane  explains.

"Ah, nice to meet you! Love the shirt by the way" Anna grins.

"Oh! Uh- Thank you!" Veronica smiles shyly.

"Hello Veronica! Nice to meet you!" Catherine said, giving her a warm smile.

"Anyone know where Cathy is?" Jane asked the group.

"OH! She's gone for a walk! She went about 10 minutes ago!" Anne beamed.

"Ah okay, thanks Anne!"

Jane turned to Veronica.

"I'll start cooking dinner, you can go talk to everyone or just one or two of them, whichever you are comfortable with!" Jane says.

"Oh, also, if you want to freshen up, the bathroom is down the hall to the left. Feel free to use whatever shampoos and body washes are there" she adds.

"Okay! Thanks for bringing me here, it really means a lot" thanked Veronica.

"Don't worry about it!"

"I'll just go shower, I'll be a few minutes, then I can talk with the rest of you" said Veronica.

"Ok!! Me and Anne will show you around after!" exclaimed Kitty.

Timeskip to after her shower, brought to you by me procrastinating doing my homework! :D

Kitty and Anne are standing outside the door, waiting for Veronica to finish in the bathroom.

"She's taking forever surely she's almost-"

Veronica opens the door.

"Done! Okay, follow us Ronnie! Can I call you Ronnie?" Anne questions.

"Oh! Uh- sure!" Veronica replies. This is the first time she's been given a nickname.

Anne and Kitty bring her towards their bedroom (Anne and Kitty share a bedroom).

"What'd you think?" says Kitty.

Veronica looks around the room. Who knew green and pink could look good together?

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