Chapter 2

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Veronica's POV
I lock the door to my bedroom, and limp over to my mirror. There was already a bruise starting to form on my cheek where my Dad hit me. I look down at my shin, and there is the start of a bruise there too. My head isn't bleeding thank god, I just have a bad headache, so I take some paracetamol. Dad didn't mean it though, it only happens when he is drunk or I deserve it.

I flop onto my bed, and pull my phone and earbuds out of my pocket. I put my earbuds in, and start listening to my musical playlist. Not too long after, I start dozing off.

*Timeskip brought to you by Anna of Cleves' Palace in Richmond*

I wake up and I turn over to look at my clock.
"06:30??" I thought.
I try to go back to sleep, but it's no use. Once I wake up, I cant get back to sleep.

I get up and put on my fuzzy socks, unlock my door and walk down the stairs as quietly as possible, so I don't wake dad.

I pour myself a bowl of cereal, and sat down to eat. I finish 5 minutes later, and I put the bowl in the sink. I decide to go back up to my room and start on my homework.

2 hours later, and I'm onto my last piece of homework, an essay for history. I have to write about the Tudor family. Finally something I like learning about.

Half an hour later, and I'm almost done the essay. I hear dad going down the stairs, then the sound of something breaking.

I run down as fast as I can, stubbing my toe in the process.
"Fuck, that hurt", I breathed.
I walk into the kitchen, and see a shards of ceramic on the floor.
"W..what's wrong father?", I ask
"THIS" he says, pointing to the ceramic on the floor.

Then it hit me. I left the bowl in the sink, and that obviously pissed him off.
"I..I'm s..sorry father" I trembled. "It won't happen again, I promise"

I try backing away, but it's no use. He's faster and stronger than me. He grabs me by the neck, and shoved me into the pieces of the broken bowl.

"THIS BETTER BE GONE BY THE TIME I COME HOME" he fumed, slamming the door shut as he left. I stand up, trying not to cry. I had several cuts on my arm from the sharp edges, and one on my cheek.

I wipe the cuts with antiseptic wipes, and start cleaning up the plate. Once I'm finished, I go back up into my room and get changed into a 'Heathers' shirt, since the one I originally was wearing had gotten some of my blood on it. I deserved it though, I shouldn't have left the plate in the sink.

I sit down at my desk, and finish the history essay. I then decide to watch some bootlegs on YouTube to cheer me up.

A/N- Another chapter done! I promise we will get to the actual Six part soon, I just need to get background stuff done :) So far I'm actually enjoying this, hopefully you aren't cringing with how bad my writing is lmao xD Anyways, thanks for reading!

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